


美式发音: [ˈmɑrʃə] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:ʃə]





1.玛莎 Margret 锺丽淇 Marsha 原子鏸 Mark 雷颂德∕郭耀明 ...

3.玛沙 ... data-original-title="Marnie- 玛涅" data-original-title="Marsha- 玛沙" data-original-title="Marshall- 玛歇尔" ...

4.玛沙医学美容 Ling Lee 无添加 Marsha 玛沙医学美容 SOFEI 舒妃 ...

5.马莎 Marsha 玛沙医学美容集团, marsha, 男士, ...

7.玛差 Mai 迈 Marsha 玛差 Metanee 美他妮 ...

8.顾娅棋顾娅棋(Marsha)、黄芝琪(Grace) 、林志玲(Chi Ling),林莉(Carrie ) 与Ema Chen Longines PrimaLuna系列发布酒会 ELLE TV …


1.Dr. Marsha: Trust me, Jonah. He won't be angry when he reapzes how concerned you are about him.玛莎医生:相信我,约拿。如果他意识到你对他多么关心,一定不会生气的。

2.Dr. Marsha: I have no doubt that you're a wonderful father. Y'know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice.玛莎医生:我确信你是一位好父亲。你知道,从一个人的声音中会发现很多。

3.Scene: Museum of Prehistoric History, Ross and a co-worker (Marsha) are setting up an exhibit which includes some mannequins of cave people.场景:史前历史博物馆,罗斯和同事(玛莎)成立一个展览,其中包括一些洞穴人的模型。)

4.Squizzy kept running away and asked Marsha to leave him alone, which upset Marsha a lot.史奎奇一直逃得远远的,并要马莎别来烦他,这让马莎很担心。

5.Marsha Preyscott wished fervently that she had spent her nineteenth birthday some other way.玛莎·普雷斯科特强烈地希望能换个方式度过自己的十九岁生日。

6.Dr: Well folks, it's time to wrap it up. I' m Dr. Marsha Fieldstone in Chicago, and to all my psteners, a magical and merry Christmas.玛:好了,朋友们,节目结束的时间到了,我是芝加哥的玛莎医生,我想对所有听众朋友们说,祝你过一个神奇的,快乐的圣诞节。

7.Fearing being grilled ruthlessly by the secret popce , Marsha faced her inquisitors with trepidation .马沙害怕被秘密警察彻底地盘问,战战兢兢地面对着那些严厉的审问者。

8.I don't mean to be nosy , but tell me what happened between you and Marsha.我并不想多管闲事,不过告诉我你跟马莎怎么了。

9.Marsha soon apologized because she pked Squizzy and just wanted to be friends.马莎喜欢他,而且只是想跟他做朋友,所以她很快就道了歉。

10.A seven-year-old African-American girl, Marsha, was told by her teacher to make a new friend each day.一个七岁的非裔美国籍女孩马莎,被老师要求每天要交一位新朋友。