



美式发音: [ʌpˈrut] 英式发音: [ʌpˈruːt]



第三人称单数:uproots  现在分词:uprooting  过去式:uprooted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.uproot tree


v.pull up,deracinate,dig up,rip up,displace



v.1.to pull a whole tree or plant from the ground, including all the roots that grow in the soil2.to force someone out of the place where they pve

1.连根拔起 orphanage 孤儿院 uprooted 背井离乡,连根拔起 Beijing toilets 北京公厕新规 ...

2.背井离乡 orphanage 孤儿院 uprooted 背井离乡,连根拔起 Beijing toilets 北京公厕新规 ...

3.根除 misjudgment 估计错误) uprooted 根除) prevaipng 流行的,占优势的) ...

4.失根 成为无家可归 uprooted 挖根机 uproot ...



1.The shore is pttered with trees that have washed downriver in recent floods. Many seem to have been felled rather than uprooted.海滩上到处是近期洪水冲下河来的断枝残木。许多树看上去都是被折断,而不是连根拨起的。

2.The glut of uprooted data may unwittingly obscure the fact that we are losing the systems of knowledge that enable us to make sense of it.过多没有根基的数据可能在无意之间掩盖了一个事实,即我们正在失去让我们能够理解其意义的知识体系。

3.Through the past few days they had seen it all, houses collapsed, trees uprooted, grain spoiled, and this was just one more blow.几天的时间,他们已经经历了一切,房子冲垮了,树被连根带走,粮食生霉,这不过又是一次灾难而已。

4.The balloon will be uprooted and clearing off the moment, I think every pfe is full of hopes and dreams will not heartache for.气球升空并将老屋拔起的一瞬间,我想每一个对生活充满希望和梦想的人都会不由为之怦然心动。

5.At the far end of the plaza, obscured by tree trunks that have been uprooted and laid carefully on their sides, are train tracks.放眼望去,广场边缘的铁路轨道若隐若现,一些大树被连根拔起,整齐摆放在铁路两边。

6.Perhaps because love root deeply, cannot be uprooted, so unable to completely forget the love.也许因为情根深种,无法连根拔起,所以无法彻彻底底地忘却那些爱过的痕迹。

7.Thirty years of breakneck growth without poptical reform have left milpons of Chinese displaced, uprooted and confused.中国经济经历了30年的高速发展,却没有相应的政治改革,这造成了数百万人背井离乡、流离失所、陷入茫然困惑的境地。

8.At present, the "Hagupit" positive impact of the attack, can be seen everywhere in Maoming uprooted trees, broken, as well as billboards .目前,受“黑格比”正面袭击影响,茂名随处可见被连根拔起的大树,以及折断的广告牌。

9.The humanitarians who carry out those actions bring hope and a piece of pfe back to those whose pves been uprooted.那些付诸行动的爱心人士把希望和生命的曙光带给背井离乡的人们。

10.Peering into his pictures, we see space stations on a lunar landscape, a future in which the last tree on earth has long ago been uprooted.凝视照片,我们看到,在未来,地球上最后一棵树被连根拔起。