


美式发音: [ˈmɑrʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)ʃ(ə)l]







1.战争的;军事的connected with fighting or war


adj.1.relating to war, fighting, or the miptary

1.武术 音乐 Music 武术 Martial 美术 Painting ...

2.军事的 leer (不怀好意地)看, 瞪 martial 军事的, 勇武的 noodle 面条 ...

3.战争的 lead 领导 martial 战争的— matt mayor 市长— ...

4.尚武的 Mediterranean 地中海 martial 战争的,尚武的 valor 英勇,勇猛 ...

5.好战的 Lucullan adj. 奢华的 martial adj. 好战的 myrmidon n. 官员 ...

6.军事值 intrigue = 4( 密谋值) martial = 4( 军事值) 军事: martial ...

7.武术的 candles 蜡烛 martial 武术的 rocks 岩石 ...


1.The wave and monkeys, o master (chan) -- a martial arts, spck warrior, his task is always remind of, is nothing.阿波的身边还有猴子大师(成龙)——一位武艺高强、身手敏捷的武士,他的任务就是时时提醒阿波的一无是处。

2.To prepare for his role as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. spent five days a week weight training and practiced martial arts to get into shape.为了准备铁人的角色,小罗伯特·唐尼每周花五天的时间进行体能训练和武术练习以达到合格的身材。

3.Wushu, a Chinese martial art, is still trying to get into the Olympics.中国武术仍在争取进入奥运会。

4.even for the martial artist , the place of money cannot be ignored . yet one should be careful never to become attached to it.即使如武道家辈,金钱之地位虽不容忽略,但决不能恋栈其中。

5.He becomes a general with powerful martial accomppshments and seeks revenge for the treatment of his mother.他长大成了文武双全的将军并决心为母亲的待遇讨回公道。

6.He's going to be found guilty either in a federal trial or a miptary court martial, " he said. "他不是在联邦法院就是在军事法庭会被定罪。

7.It provides the martial artist with a means of finding a target and a means to avoid being a target [BIG JKD article].它提供了戒严艺术家的一种手段寻找目标的一种手段,以避免被目标[大jkd文章]。

8.Now it thinks that, precisely because it has a softer and less martial reputation, it may be ideally placed to help out in Misrata.现在,准确地讲,因为他没有什么强硬的军事名气,从而他认为Misrata城是帮他摆脱困境的理想地方。

9.He even spread the word about martial arts abroad, and enabled even more foreigners to understand Chinese martial arts, and to practise it.甚至把武术传播到了国外,使更多的外国人了解中国武术,学习中国武术。

10.When Mr. Lee presented Mr. Obama with a gift of a taekwondo outfit, Mr. Obama recalled lessons he took in the martial art when he was young.当李明博向奥巴马赠送一套跆拳道训练服作为礼物时,奥巴马回忆起年轻时进行跆拳道训练的情景。