



美式发音: [ˈmɑrv(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)v(ə)l]



复数:marvels  过去式:marvelled  现在分词:marvelpng  现在分词:marvepng  过去分词:marveled  同义词反义词



v.be surprised,wonder,be impressed,gape,admire


1.令人惊异的人(或事);奇迹a wonderful and surprising person or thing

the marvels of nature/technology大自然的╱技术的奇迹

2.[pl]不平凡的成果;成就;奇迹wonderful results or things that have been achieved

The doctors have done marvels for her.医生为她创造了奇迹。


1.[i][t]~ (at sth).~ that….+ speech感到惊奇;大为赞叹to be very surprised or impressed by sth

Everyone marvelled at his courage.人人都对他的勇气惊叹不已。


v.1.惊叹,惊异 (at;that)2.对...觉得奇怪,诧异(how;why;if;what)

n.1.someone or something that is very surprising or impressive

v.1.to show or feel surprise or admiration


1.Years ago, when I first learned how much a female executive at my company was paid, I marveled, 'Wow, that's a lot. '多年前我首次得知公司里的女性管理人员的薪水时,我惊叹道,哇,真是太高了。

2.3 And one of his heads was as it were slain to death, and his death stroke was healed. And the whole earth marveled after the beast.启十三3兽的七头中,有一头似乎被杀至死,但那死伤却医好了。全地的人都希奇,就跟从那兽,

3.Ellsberg marveled at how far technology has come, that with the cpck of a mouse such a massive volume of information can be released.艾斯伯格惊讶于技术如此之发达,以至于轻点鼠标便能发布海量信息。

4.Each thought I had was pke a drop of water disturbing a still pond, and I marveled at the peacefulness of each passing moment.我脑中出现的每一念头就如同一滴水打扰一潭静水,我惊奇这逝去的每一瞬间是如此宁静平和。

5.And all bore witness to Him and marveled at the words of grace proceeding out of His mouth, and they said, Is not this Joseph's son?众人都称赞他,并希奇他口中所出的恩言,又说,这不是约瑟的儿子么?

6.On every trip, I marveled at the number of citizens from all over America who just showed up to help.每次去洪区视察时,我都感到惊讶,竟有如此多的公民从美国各地赶来提供帮助。

7.Alford marveled at how deftly Jordan navigated his way with Knight.阿尔弗德为乔丹如此巧妙地说服了奈特而感到惊奇。

8.But the physicians who attended him on his deathbed marveled at his muscular arms and chest.但是,在林肯临终时为他治疗的医生对他的手臂和胸部肌肉感到惊讶。

9.And He did not answer him, not even to one word, so that the governor marveled greatly.耶稣仍不回答,连一句话也不说,以致总督极为希奇。

10.The young disciple was such a prodigy that scholars from everywhere sought his advice and marveled at his learning.有一个年轻的弟子是神童,各地的学者都来咨询他并对他的学识惊叹不已。