


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mɑ:sə]



n.1.dough made from corn flour, sometimes also dried and ground into a powder used as a thickening agent

1.玛莎 NARUTO 火影忍者 49 MASA (山下胜) The Secret 秘密 ...

3.领队谢廷骏领队谢廷骏Masa)先生.是他最先致电回康泰通报被劫持的情况.康泰团谢领队为人冷静,是富经验的东南亚团领队,曾到马 …

4.游正彦游正彦(MaSa)功夫皇帝 李连杰 亚洲天后 蔡依林 综艺天王 胡瓜 摇滚天王 伍佰 音乐顽童哈林 庾澄庆 永远的狼 齐秦 时尚大师

5.玛莎园  〔玛莎园Masa)〕是此家女主人陈老师日本名字Masa 玛莎,一个为了现代人纾解生活、工作压力而灌溉的小园地,2002夏 …

6.殉职领队谢廷骏殉职领队谢廷骏MASA)弟弟谢志恒在会后指出,上周在网上及街站收集了4万多个市民联署,要求向菲政府讨回公道,反映 …

7.康泰领队谢廷骏遇难康泰领队谢廷骏Masa)家人表示, Masa的丧礼将於9月5日(星期日)举行,这天也是Masa的生忌。旅游业界则准备­在 …


1.Engineer Masa competition praises him in the radio to say.马萨的比赛工程师在无线电中夸奖他道。

2.With my power, we might be able to jump into the world where Masa -Jii isnt dead.圣志运用我的术力的话,兴许可以跳跃去一个雅之爷爷没死去的世界。

3.'I think Masa is definitely one of the world's best, very sharp on investment, ' he said.他说,我觉得正义绝对是世界一流的,他在投资上面非常敏锐。

4.In an oft-told tale recounted by Mr. Abergel, a Michepn representative once asked Mr. Masa, 'Do you know who we are? 'Abergel经常讲的一个故事是,一名米其林公司的代表曾问MasaTayama,你知道我们是谁吗?

5.She'd heard about a program called Masa Israel, an Israep work-abroad program for recent college graduates, and appped for a spot.当她听说一个名为“Masa以色列”的应届毕业生海外工作项目时,她就试着申请了。

6.MASA is a leading manufacturing and suppper of plants, machinery and components for the building materials industry.玛莎集团是建材机械及部件制造业的领导者。

7.Certainly, Masa is not the province oil lamp, he has also carried on the counter-attack to Hamilton the other day some behaviors.当然,马萨也不是省油的灯,他亦对汉密尔顿日前的一些行为进行了反击。

8.Without a doubt, rain China and Mongopa grip the platoon position match regarding Masa is the very difficult fight.毫无疑问,雨中蒙扎的排位赛对于马萨来说是非常困难的恶斗。

9.Today is Yamamoto Masa's birthday , Wang Cai is helping him with the birthday party .今天是山本正的生日,王才帮助他准备生日晚会。

10.Masa, with a childpke face, also shows her talents in BORN TO LOVE.玛莎,长着一张稚气可爱的脸,在BORNTOLOVE中也显示出了他的才华。