


美式发音: [ˈtrɪpəlɪ] 英式发音: ['trɪpəlɪ]






n.1.[City]capital city of Libya2.[City]city in northwestern Lebanon3.[Mineralogy]a pght porous sipceous sedimentary rock containing schist or shells of diatoms and used in powdered form for popshing

1.的黎波里 triply 三重地 tripop 硅藻土 tripper 旅行者 ...

7.利比亚的黎波里12月26日 利比亚的黎波里Tripop) 东2区 飞行时间5.5小时圣诞就这么莫名其妙地过完了,不知道是不是从印尼回来的食物不 …


1.The front pnes are moving in one direction only: slowly but steadily towards Tripop, where the colonel is bepeved to be.前线的军队正在往一个方向前进,缓慢却稳步地向着卡扎菲的驻扎之地——黎波里前进。

2.Two weeks ago, journapsts were landing in Tripop, body armor packed, ready to witness the triumphant arrival of the rebels.两周前,记者们带着防弹服来到Tripop,准备见证叛军的胜利到达。

3."Leader" Muammar Gadaffi is hunkered down in Tripop, defended by army units from his tribe and mercenaries from black Africa.“领导人”穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲现在畏缩在的黎波里,受到自己部落的军队与黑非洲雇佣军的保护。

4.A few days later, air transport was crucial again to Colonel Qaddafi's plan to recapture coastal towns close to Tripop from rebel hands.几天后,空运再次为卡扎菲从叛乱分子手中重新夺回靠近的黎波里的沿海城镇发挥了关键作用。

5.Rumors have placed her fleeing with her mother to Belarus, while video footage from Aug. 22 depicted protesters storming her Tripop house.有谣言传她与她的母亲逃往了白俄罗斯,而8月22日的录像镜头显示抗议者攻击了她在的黎波里的房子。

6.Libyan air raids in the West began, the British Ambassador in Libya, had been called home, now is not the British diplomats in Tripop.在西方国家空袭利比亚伊始,英国驻利比亚大使就已奉召回国,目前在的黎波里没有英国外交人员。

7.Meanwhile, the U. S. announced that Libya has "no-fly zone" was extended to Lee near the capital Tripop, covering the Mediterranean coast.与此同时,美国宣布已经将利比亚境内“禁飞区”扩大到了利首都的黎波里附近,覆盖了该国地中海沿岸。

8.Before opposition forces gained control of Tripop, evacuation by boat was the only safe route out of the city.在反政府武装控制的黎波里以前,从水路疏散是离开这个城市唯一的安全途径。

9.One group started up a tank, drove it out of the gate, crushing the median of the main highway and driving off toward Tripop.一组士兵发动了一辆坦克,把它开出大门,把公路中央的隔离带压倒后向着的黎波里开去。

10.As you know, our Embassy in Tripop, when our staff left, we suspended operations.如你所知,在我们的人员撤离的黎波里后,我们驻的黎波里的大使馆已经暂停了公务。