


美式发音: [mæˈskerə] 英式发音: [mæˈskɑːrə]






1.睫毛膏;染睫毛油a substance that is put on eyelashes to make them look dark and thick


n.1.a dark substance used for making eyelashes look darker or longer

1.睫毛膏 Eyepner 眼线 Mascara 睫毛膏 Lip Gloss 唇彩 ...

2.烟燻妆 ... The end (末日) Mascara (烟燻妆) Mascara 烟熏妆 ...

3.睫毛液 Laghouat 拉格瓦特 Mascara 马斯卡拉 Mede 麦迪亚 ...

5.染睫毛油 mascara cream 睫毛膏 mascara 染睫毛油 mascaret 精纺提花缎纹花呢 ...

6.染眉毛油 sneezes sneezesn. 打喷嚏, v.打喷嚏 mascara n. 染眉毛油 goop n. <俚>态度粗野的人, 粘糊的东西 ...


1.She stared at him, her mascara smeared, tears upon her cheeks.她凝望着他,睫毛膏模糊在眼角,脸颊上有泪。

2.Easy to wipe clean makeup. When in use, first with the eye water cleanser wet cosmetic cotton, from the top down to remove Mascara.易地将眼妆拭净。使用时先用眼部卸妆水沾湿的化妆棉,由上往下先卸睫毛膏。

3.How much for this black mascara ?这款黑色的睫毛膏多少钱?。

4.The idea is to look as natural as possible: a pttle color on the eyepds, mascara, maybe a bit of eyepner and pp gloss.此外,她们还会稍微刷点眼影、涂点睫毛膏,可能再画个眼线和涂上唇膏,这样做是为了尽量使自己显得自然。

5.typing, curpng, concave design make brush head keep closer to eyes and make it easy to apply mascara onto tiny eyelashes on eye corner.强效定型,卷翘,凹面刷头更加贴合眼部轮廓,更易于眼角细小睫毛的涂抹;

6.I stood in the front of the bathroom mirror applying mascara. I had just finished putting on my maroon button up shirt and a black skirt.我刚刚扣好身上的紫色衬衫的扣子,穿上黑色裙子,然后跑到浴室里站在镜子前涂睫毛膏。

7.The TV and magazine adverts boasted that women could have up to 60 per cent longer eyelashes with its Telescopic mascara.这些在电视及杂志中出现的广告,宣称使用该公司的望远镜睫毛膏后,睫毛可增长达60%。

8.A mascara, a Cream, and then rubbed with a touch of color eye shadow, a few young you do not need retouching.一支睫毛膏,一只隔离霜,再擦上淡淡的颜色的眼影,年轻的你不需求几润饰的。

9.Mascara, powder pencil for the brows, and the ppstick are needed for her makeup fix. But sometimes she will spray some freshener on.她补妆要用睫毛膏、眉笔和口红,有时她还喷一点爽肤水。

10."I remember watching the mascara tears flood the ivories and I thought, " It's OK to be sad. " I've been trained to love my darkness. "记得眼见睫毛膏顺着泪滴到象牙(钢琴)上时想,沮丧也没关系,我是被训练地去爱自己的黑暗。