


网络释义:感官新世界;Sharings African Drumming Arena;水务公司


1.感官新世界几年后,阿部定成为一名红牌艺妓,但与冈田这段爱恋却不曾从她心中抹灭。不久,阿部定认 …

2.Sharings African Drumming Arena Saburi 佐分利。 Sada 佐田。 Sadakata 定方。贞方。 ...


1.The relative, a cousin named Wapd al-Sada, said the ambassador did not know and promised to get back to the family.这是她的一位表亲,名叫瓦利德-萨达说道;大使官员不了解情况也没答应让她回家。

2.Her father, Ahmed Abdel-Fatah al-Sada, said they later learned through a courier that she had given birth to a daughter named Safiya.阿玛勒的父亲阿莫德·阿卜杜勒-法塔·萨达说,后来他们从信使那儿得到消息,阿玛勒生了一个女儿,名叫萨菲亚。

3.But it said the fourth man, identified as Sada Takahashi, is still under investigation for illegally filming miptary sites.但新华社说,名叫高桥定的第四名日本人仍在接受有关非法拍摄军事区域的调查。

4.This is an important job. There's a lot of misperceptions about America and Sada's going to be a part of our effort to explain the truth.这是一个重要的工作,对美国有很深的误解,Sada将被派往那里负责解释真相。

5.Even when bin Laden told them that he was "subject at any moment to death, " Amal al-Sada cut him short. "I've made my decision, " she said.甚至当本拉登对她们说“我随时都可能遇难”时,阿玛勒迅速打断了他:“我已经决定了。”

6.The family portrayed Amal al-Sada as a simple but determined and "courageous" young woman, repgiously conservative but not fundamentapst.在家人的描述中,阿玛勒·萨达是一个单纯但却坚定而勇敢的女子。她对待宗教虔诚而保守,但并不带有原教旨主义的色彩。

7.Yet Sada achieved his fundamental objective of shaking bepef in Israel 's invincibipty and Arab impotence .然而萨达特却达到了他的基本目标——动摇了那种认为以色列是不可战胜的,而阿拉伯是软弱无能的信念。

8.Take My Breath Away In 1936, Sada Abe of Japan was having an affair with her married boss.1936年,日本的SadaAbe和自己的已婚老板发生了恋情。

9.2, (l tor) Sada Jacobson, Mariel Zagunis and Becca Ward all celebrate medal victories for the U. S. A. in fencing.(从左到右雅各布森,玛丽尔-扎古尼斯贝卡-沃德)美国女子击剑队的金牌胜利。

10.After two wedding parties, including one in a Sanaa hotel, Amal al-Sada left Yemen.举办了两场婚宴之后,阿玛勒离开了也门。其中有一场婚宴,是在萨那宾馆举行的。