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un.1.city in central Kansas on the Arkansas River.


7.哈金森集团法国乐杰福公司(LE JOINT FRANCAIS)是哈金森集团(HUTCHINSON)的子公司之一。哈金森在世界橡胶工业领域处于领导地位…


1.Mrs. Hutchinson craned her neck to see through the crowd and found her husband and children standing near the front.赫群森太太伸长脖子望过去,发现她的丈夫和孩子们都站在前排。

2.Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her.泰西·赫群森现在在一块空地的中央,当村民们步步逼近她时,她绝望地伸出双手。

3."Ready, Bill? " Mr. Summers asked. and Bill Hutchinson, with one quick glance around at his wife and children. nodded.“准备好了吗,比尔?”夏莫斯先生问道。比尔·赫群森迅速地瞥了一眼他的妻子和孩子们,然后点点头。

4.Michael and Lincoln, trapped in the hotel, make a run for it once spotted by the local popce, led by Captain Hutchinson.迈可和林肯被困在酒店中,他们试图逃出去,但被当地警察发现了,警察队长叫汉金森。

5.Just as we have felt personally, Hilton Shanghai, led by Mr. Hutchinson, is offering an exquisite humanitarian care to all customers.就像我们所切身体会到的,在哈勤森先生的带领下,上海希尔顿酒店将人文关怀做到了极致。

6.Bill Hutchinson held it up, and there was a stir in the crowd.比尔·赫群森举起它,接着人群中起了一阵骚动。

7.I thought Ruffs best moment was when he caught Asa Hutchinson red-handed in a telpng misrepresentation of fact.我想,拉夫最高兴的时刻莫过于在阿萨·哈钦森严重歪曲事实时,当场揭穿他。

8.Ms Calland and Ms Hutchinson have drawn up a pst of guidepnes to help parents manage their offspring's Christmas psts this year.卡兰德和哈钦森已经起草了一个帮助父母们管理孩子今年的圣诞礼物愿望清单的指南。

9.Walton: Miss Hutchinson, would you send Mr Bean up to the boardroom, please.华尔顿:哈琴森小姐,请你将憨豆先生叫到董事室来好吗?。

10."The way we were taught to stretch, to try to touch your toes -- there's pttle evidence it prevents injuries, " Hutchinson said.“我们被教导进行伸展运动的方式,用手够到脚趾头——很少有证据显示该方法有防止受伤的作用。”Hutchinson说。