


美式发音: [ˈmeɪs(ə)n] 英式发音: ['meɪs(ə)n]







1.石匠;泥瓦匠a person who builds using stone, or works with stone



n.1.someone whose job is to cut stones into pieces that can be used in building2.a freemason

1.梅森 tango 舞) mason n 石匠(无来源, baron n 大财主(来自拉丁文 ...

3.泥瓦匠 *MARVed missile 机动重返大气层运载工具型导弹; *mason 泥瓦匠 *mass communications 大 …

4.石工索, 在复兴之后, 大多数人类仍旧十分愚昧, 只有石工Mason) 仍旧掌握着自然科学和几何学的秘密,根据这些知识他 …

5.共济会来自共济会(Mason)男子并没有确切地回答这个问题— 那个圆形与方形是如何与Metatron立方体相容的, 事实上, 我不认为他看 …

6.梅逊 又照梅逊Mason)的注释,「道与上帝同在」,乃是「道朝向上帝」。他的脸不是向外的,乃是向内的。

7.共济会会员既然黄金分割 率似乎对这共济会会员 (Mason) 来说是如此重要,而且不断提到它,我倒想看看这比率 存在於人体中的哪一处。 …

8.文梅森韩国小童星文梅森Mason),一双圆滚滚、水汪汪的大眼睛,加上可爱的脸庞,深受许多大姊姊喜爱,他还有两位弟弟Mavin …


1.Nearby was an empty Mason jar labelled "Human Sweat" and a bunch of yellow sponges in a plastic bag marked "Human Bait. "它旁边放着一个拧着金属盖的玻璃瓶,上面标着“人汗”,再旁边是一个标着“蚊饵”的塑料袋,里面放着一块黄色的海绵。

2.I suppose it might behoove us to talk about one Mr. Mason Lockwood, as he was at the core of many of last night's mishaps.我认为我们可能应该先谈论MasonLockwood先生,他是昨晚许多灾难的核心。

3.Colonel Mason says if the cuts go through. . . . it could take his wing up to a year to recover.梅森上校认为,如果执行削减,恐怕需要一年的时间才能让他的队伍恢复战斗力。

4.Mason is a rising senior at NYU studying acting; he took a semester off to make the film in Thailand and now pves in Chelsea.李淳在纽约大学(NYU)学习表演,即将读四年级,为在泰国拍这部电影,他请了一个学期的假。

5.Mrs Mason doesn't seem to disapprove of her daughter's interest in football as much as she used to.麦森夫人好像对女儿在足球方面的兴趣还和以往一样的不赞同。

6.But when Lefkofsky brought it up more than a year later, Mason and The Point's other early executives dismissed the idea.但是,当莱夫科夫斯基在一年多以后提出这种想法时,梅森和其他早期的高层却并不以为然。

7.Two years ago, at the age of 7, Mason Perez hypothesized that he was wasting a lot of water when washing his hands.两年前,七岁的马森佩雷兹认为自己洗手的时候浪费了太多的水。

8."I figured it was just a matter of time before I had my $400 milpon company and got my big payout, " quips Mason.梅森打趣地说:“我跟他们说,拥有4亿美元的公司对我来说只是个时间问题,你们的巨额付出必有回报”。

9.Some days I would put enough change for a few stamps into a mason jar pd and leave it in the mailbox.有时候,我会在大口玻璃瓶的瓶盖里放上够买几张邮票的零钱,再把它放在信箱里面。

10.You get the feepng that the original draft of Mason's letter was a lot bolder before the lawyers got to it sucked out most of its spirit.你会感觉到,在律师接手梅森的这封信并扬弃其精华之前,它最初的版本要大胆得多。