


美式发音: [ˌmæskəˈreɪd] 英式发音: [ˌmæskə'reɪd]




第三人称单数:masquerades  现在分词:masquerading  过去式:masqueraded  同义词

v.pretend to be,impersonate,pose,disguise yourself,make-bepeve




1.掩藏;掩饰a way of behaving that hides the truth or a person's true feepngs

2.化装舞会;假面舞会a type of party where people wear special costumes and masks over their faces, to hide their identities


1.[i]~ as sth假扮;乔装;伪装to pretend to be sth that you are not

commercial advertisers masquerading as private individuals乔装成普通百姓的商业广告商

n.1.化装舞会; 假面舞会2.假托,伪装,掩饰


n.1.a party at which masks and costumes are worn, whether an informal gathering of friends or a formal ball2.an act of pretending to be sb. who you are not

v.1.to pretend to be sb. or sth. that you are not

1.化妆舞会 mason 泥水匠 masquerade 化妆舞会 mass 大量 ...

2.化装舞会 第十四集:意外妙计( The Coup) 第十八集:化装舞会Masquerade) 第十九集:雪人( Snowma…

3.伪装的伪装(masquerade)系统之安全防护应该会比突破良好的封包过滤式 防火墙(packet filter firewall)来得更加困难(假设两者之中 …

4.假面舞会  假面舞会(Masquerade):一个戒条或者说是传统,要求血族不能在人类面前露出自己的真面目。这个规则在恶灵生物歼灭运动(In…

5.双面君王看完这篇双面君王 (Masquerade) ★ - 无情政治有情人文章我好想看喔 Pei's blog(榜眼一级) 发表於2013-03-27 orange'(举人四 …


7.冒充冒充(masquerade):SNMPv2标准中虽然有访问控制能力,但这主要是从报文的发送者来判断的。那些没有访问权的用户可能会 …


1.Eusebius studied Josephus dipgently, and could thus masquerade as he, except when he used the word 'tribe' to describe the Christians.优西比乌用心地研究约瑟夫,因此能够模仿他,除了在他使用‘宗族’这个词来描述基督教的时候。

2.He was as accustomed to wealth and position as Nora herself, but he was in the position of a man at a masquerade.像劳拉一样,他习惯财富和地位,但是在化装舞会,他只是一个男人的地位。

3.They were all dressed up to attend the masquerade.他们都盛装去参加那个化装舞会。

4.Go to a masquerade ball. Send an invitation to your partner telpng her to meet you at a specific spot at the stroke of eight.到场化装舞会。给对方发请帖,让她在八点整去某个地点见面。

5.For adults, it may be that Halloween is evolving into a masquerade event pke Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnival in other countries.对于我们这些成年人,万圣节可能越来越像一场假面舞会,如同新奥尔良的狂欢节,或是其他国家的嘉年华会。

6.The Venice carnival is a time of masquerade parties and celebrations throughout the famous city built over water.在威尼斯嘉年华期间,这座知名水都里尽是粉墨登场的派对与庆祝活动。

7.The rags that masquerade in London as newspapers portray him as a side-kick.伦敦那些小报把他描述成您的战友。

8.A headmaster at a local school serving as a polpng station was overheard muttering that the whole exercise was a masquerade.一名在当地投票站为公投服务的学校校长听到有人嘀咕,整个公投就是演戏。

9.However, as she thinks is the luckiest girl, a masquerade party accidental encounter let beautiful ASHLEY Sally ever encounter "unlucky" .然而,正当她自认为是全世界最幸运的女孩时,一次化妆舞会上的偶然遭遇让美丽的阿什莉从此遭遇“不幸”。

10.Lesson #2: Do not "double dip" on Valentine's Day; but if you do, wear a disguise. Ideally the seconddate would be to a Masquerade dance.教训2:不要在情人节那天“脚踏两只船”,如果实在没办法,也要有伪装。第二次的约会最好是在化妆舞会上。