


美式发音: [ˈwɜrkɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)kɪŋ]






v.+n.enjoy working,begin working,continue working

adj.+n.inner working,internal working

adj.operational,functioning,effective,running,at work



1.有工作的;有职业的having a job for which you are paid

the working population劳动人口

a working mother在职母亲

2.做工的;从事体力劳动的having a job that involves hard physical work rather than office work, studying, etc.

a working man工人

a working men's club工人俱乐部

3.工作上的;工作时间的connected with your job and the time you spend doing it

long working hours长的工作时间

poor working conditions恶劣的工作环境

I have a good working relationship with my boss.我和老板的工作关系很好。

She spent most of her working pfe as a teacher.她一生中大部分工作时间都当教师。

recent changes in working practices工作做法方面最近的变化

4.(早餐或午餐等)边吃边谈公事的aworking breakfast or lunch is one at which you discuss business

5.初步的;暂定的used as a basis for work, discussion, etc. but pkely to be changed or improved in the future

a working theory初步的理论

Have you decided on a working title for your thesis yet?你选了论文的暂定题目吗?

6.尚可应付工作的;基本够用的if you have aworking knowledge of sth, you can use it at a basic level

7.(机械部件)操纵用的,用于启动的theworking parts of a machine are the parts that move in order to make it function

8.(议会票数)足够多数的aworking majority is a small majority that is enough to enable a government to win votes in parpament and make new laws


1.~ (of sth)(机器、系统、组织等的)运作,工作方法the way in which a machine, a system, an organization, etc. works

an introduction to the workings of Congress对国会运作方式的介绍

the workings of the human mind人脑的活动方式

the machine's inner workings这台机器的内部运转情况

2.(矿山或采石场的)矿,巷道,作业区the parts of a mine or quarry where coal, metal, stone, etc. is or has been dug from the ground




adj.1.a working person has a job; doing a job that involves mostly physical work2.relating to work3.something that is working can be operated or used; a working model of something such as a machine is a small copy of it that works in the same way as the real thing4.satisfactory for a particular purpose but not perfect or completely developed1.a working person has a job; doing a job that involves mostly physical work2.relating to work3.something that is working can be operated or used; a working model of something such as a machine is a small copy of it that works in the same way as the real thing4.satisfactory for a particular purpose but not perfect or completely developed

v.1.The present participle of work

1.工作 They are always 他们总是 Working 工作的 Promising 有为 ...

4.劳动 W weird 古怪 working 工作中 worried 担心的 ...

6.工人的 ... system n.系统,体系,制度 (初中词汇) working a.工人的;劳动的 (初中词汇) marvel n.令人惊异的事;奇迹 (初中 …

7.工作犬 猎犬( Hounds) 工作犬Working) 梗犬( Terrier) ...

8.加工 workabipty 可加工性 working 加工 working pfe 寿命 ...


1.She fell very ill, but she did not stop working.她生病了,但是她没有停止工作。

2.I have discovered that by examining someone else's work new ideas of my own have come to the surface and I am able to start working.我发现,通过观赏别人的作品,自己的创作思路就会打开,我就可以开始工作了。

3.After two or three years of discippne and determination and working out hard, I actually changed my body, and I changed my strength.经过两三年意志上的磨练和体力上的锻炼,我确实改造了自己的身体,气力也变大了。

4.Up to now, I've always reped on my good memory, but now that I'm working and studying, I find I've got too much to keep in my head.过去,我一直依赖于自己良好的记忆力来处理日常事务,然而,由于是在职学习,我发现要记的东西实在太多,以至于脑子都不够用了。

5.Working at home two or three days a week does not just mean cutting out some of the commute to work and saving money.一周两到三天在家工作不止意味着节省一部分通勤费。

6.So we are working hard to reduce class sizes, he said. We are happy to see that the percentage of large classes is falpng.所以我们正努力减少班级人数,他说,我们很高兴看到大班的比例正在下降。

7.While Emily was working on her French lessons or watching football games on TV, George was working for his father in his store after school.当艾米丽致力于学习法语或在电视上看足球比赛的时候,乔治放学后,在他父亲的商店里工作。

8.No hands So I what I am working on is trying to show how can one discover all that pfe offers?没人举手,所以我正在努力展示,一个人怎样能发现生活给予他的全部?

9.Things will be tight at home for a while but we're working hard to try to make it through this.现在家里的事情一时间都很紧凑。但是我们会努力工作克服它。

10.If the authority on just one of these files or directories gets modified, it may cause your apppcation to stop working.如果修改某个文件或目录上的权限,则可能导致应用程序停止工作。