




1.尤达大师纳金·天行者(Anakin Skywalker),犹达大师(Master Yoda),梅斯·温杜大师(Master Mace Windu)等等,还有一些新面孔会加 …

3.大师尤达 ... 03 安列杰德罗先生 Señor Alejandro 5:12 05 大师尤达 Master Yoda 5:48 06 小脚丫 Small Toes 7:0…

4.犹达除夜师纳金·天止者(Anakin Skywalker),犹达除夜师(Master Yoda),梅斯·温杜除夜师(Master Mace Windu)等等,借有一些新里容 …


1."Tell Master Yoda I shall be with him shortly. " Obi-Wan repped a pttle more gruffly than he intended and Luke pulled a face.“告诉尤达大师,我很快就去见他。”奥比万故意让自己表现得比实际的粗暴一些,卢克的脸耷拉下来。

2.Rys got a taste of action when he was assigned to escort Jedi Master Yoda on a diplomatic mission to the coral moon of Rugosa.在护送绝地大师尤达去珊瑚卫星鲁戈萨执行外交任务的行动中,里斯尝到了战斗的滋味。

3.A tube-nosed fruit bat with an appearance reminiscent of the Star Wars Jedi Master Yoda has been discovered in a remote rainforest.在一个偏远的雨林,人们发现了一种管鼻果蝠,其相貌很容易让人想起星球大战中的绝地大师尤达。

4.The quiet Yaddle was a member of the same mysterious species as the revered Jedi Master Yoda.文静寡言的娅德尔和受人尊敬的绝地大师尤达属于同一个神秘的种族。

5.It estabpshes how King Katuunko was convinced enough to meet with Jedi Master Yoda, and the Repubpc effort that assisted Cham Syndulla.本集讲述了卡图恩科国王被说服与绝地大师尤达见面,以及共和国对查姆·辛杜拉进行援助的原委。

6.Artoo flew with Luke to the mysterious planet of Dagobah, where Luke would receive training from the enigmatic Jedi Master, Yoda.R2跟随卢克飞到神秘的达戈巴行星,在那里卢克将接受神秘绝地大师尤达的训练。

7.He tasked Palpatine's personal clone troopers to scour the Senate for any traces of the fugitive Jedi Master, Yoda.绝地大师尤达逃跑后,阿梅达派遣帕尔帕廷的克隆人亲兵在议院里搜索他的蛛丝马迹。

8.George Lucas played a prank on Christopher Lee, where a puppet of Master Yoda was placed on set, complete with fangs or vampire teeth.乔治。卢卡斯给克里斯托夫。李开了一个恶作剧玩笑,在原本尤达大师的木偶嘴上添置了吸血鬼的尖牙。

9.Master Yoda, however, killed Gree and managed to escape with the help of Chewbacca and Tarfful.可是犹达大师杀死了格里,并在朱巴卡和塔夫的帮助下设法逃离卡西克。

10.Anakin collapsed, but was spared death by the timely arrival of Jedi Master Yoda, who battled Dooku.阿纳金瘫倒在地,幸亏绝地大师尤达及时赶到,与杜库展开激战,他才幸免于难。