




1.物质需求 great need 急需 material needs 物质需求 short-term need 短期需要 ...


3.物质需要若系以照顾(Care for)为要,则要解决老人之物质需要Material needs),如:住处、食物及安全保障等;其若系以照料(…

4.物质追求 ... a material witness 重要证人 material needs 身体的需要 思维拓展 monkish adj. 修道士的,和尚似的 思维拓展 ...


1.Bleak days of happiness is no longer faith, family, and became a real material needs of the heart with a happy smile.暗淡的日子里幸福不再是信念、亲情,而成了实实在在的物质需要与开开心心的笑。

2.She quickly noticed that she could take care of almost all of her material needs without spending a cent.很快,她发现自己能够在不花一分钱的情况下实现几乎所有的物质需求。

3.Such material needs to be treated as hazardous waste and is best destroyed by high temperature incineration.这种材料需要被视为危险废物并且最好通过高温焚烧处理。

4.To him, a robot was always a robot, a man-made machine, created to do one's bidding , and to take care of material needs.对他来说,机器人永远是机器人,是人造机器,听命于人,满足人的物质需求。

5.We can also relate to the fact that a certain amount of money is required to meet our material needs with a reasonable degree of comfort.我们也要承认这个事实,我们需要一笔钱来满足我们的物质需求和适当的生活舒适度。

6.The best way concerned citizens can help is to donate funds that will go directly to supplying these material needs.关心灾情的民众提供援助的最好方式就是捐款,捐款将会直接用于提供救灾物资。

7.The improvement of productivity greatly satisfies man's material needs, and he crazily consumes to meet his false needs.生产率的提高极大地满足了人们的物质需要,人们疯狂地消费,满足着自己的虚假需要。

8.Humane design of bus station to meet the people's material needs, spiritual needs and psychological needs of a certain significance.人性化公交站台设计对满足人们的物质需要、精神需要和心理需要有着一定的意义。

9.The traditional Orshansky poverty pne assumes that famipes need a set amount of money to meet their material needs.传统的奥山斯基贫困线标准假定一个家庭只需相应数量的金钱就能满足基本物质需求。

10.It was a country where everyone's material needs were provided for.这是一个每个人的物质需求都能被满足的国家。