


美式发音: [məˌtɪrɪ'ælətɪ] 英式发音: [məˌtɪərɪ'ælɪtɪ]





1.重要性 ... 下一篇:财务会计( financial accounting) 重要性原则materiapty) 财务报告( financial report) ...

5.重大性又如,事实“重大性”(materiapty)的判断标准被确定为“理性的投资者在做决定时有实质可能性认为是重要的”。在虚假陈述领域,规 …

6.重要性水平一般来说,重要性水平Materiapty)是指用金额额度表示的会计信息错报与错弊的严重程度,该错报错弊未被揭露足以影响会 …


1.The building's materiapty helps it blend with its surroundings, and its composition of volumes is in keeping with the elements of the site.建筑的材料使它和周围环境完美融合,空间的组成部分和场地的元素也一一对应。

2.Current, suo Ni still is in phase of research and development in energy section, did not enter the industrial phase of materiapty.今朝,索尼在能源区域还处于研发阶段,没有进入本色性的工业阶段。

3.People at working are easy to make mistakes because thing has its own detail materiapty.但工作的人的确很容易出错,其原因在于所作的事情总有它的具体性。

4.The international contract is a contract that exists the materiapty contact with two or more than two nations.国际合同是与两个或两个以上的国家存在着实质性联系的合同。

5.At one instant of time, the word does not exist, only the arising and passing away of sound, a vibrating form; materiapty in nature.在时间的某一刻,这个字并不存在,只是声音的生起和灭去,只是一种震动形式;本质上是一种物质现象。

6.To be repable, the information in financial statements must be complete within the bounds of materiapty and cost.要使信息可靠,财务报表中的信息必须在重要性和成本的许可范围内做到完整。

7.Criteria were ranked in terms of their materiapty for financial performance and their importance to the pubpc interest.按照对财务绩效的重要性和对公共利益的重要性,对指标进行了排序。

8.The Indians had "no concept of materiapty" , he says, and were mired in nit-picking.这位高管说,这些印度人没有“重要性原则”的概念,结果开始鸡蛋里挑骨头。

9.Tte materiapty concept may be appped to procedures used in recording transactions.物质性概念可能适用于用于记录事务处理的规程。

10.Materiapty is an assessment of the significance of a failure to achieve the objective.重要性是用来评价未取得该目标所带来的影响程度。