


美式发音: [prɪˈdɪktər] 英式发音: [prɪˈdɪktə(r)]



复数:predictors  同义词




1.有预测作用的事物;预示物something that can show what will happen in the future

Cholesterol level is not a strong predictor of heart disease in women.胆固醇水平在预示女性患心脏病方面并不是一个很准确的因素。


n.1.something that is helpful or useful in making an accurate prediction

1.预测器a(diamond):最简单的搜寻方法,起始于最佳预测器predictor),检查上、左、下、右方一个像素的动态向量,挑选其 …

2.预言者 predictive 预言性的 predictor 预言者 predigest 预先消化 ...

3.预报器 predict 预言,预测,预报 predictor 预报器,预测器 predominant 主要的,优 …

4.预测变数 Prediction Intervals 预测区间 Predictor 预测变量 Preview 预览 ...

6.预测指标这些讯号就是所谓的预测指标predictor),而所期望的资讯就是所谓的效标(criterion) 。 6 同样,依上图显示,求职者一样希 …

7.预测子使用演算法随机调整预测子Predictor)由邻近相子(Pixel)产生时的排列与组成,降低系统的乱度(Entropy)以达成高品质 …


1.Unexpectedly, in both childhood and adulthood, conscientiousness turned out to be the best personapty predictor of long pfe!很意外,在儿童时期和成年时期,责任是预言长寿的最好的特性!

2.Striving and value commitment was an effective predictor of job satisfaction, which explained 59% of the total variance in job satisfaction.价值承诺为工作满足感之有效预测因子,可解释总变异量59%。

3.It turned out that this was a very good predictor of a higher risk of stroke development.结果显示,大脑中动脉的微栓子是患者卒中风险较高的一个很好的预测指标。

4.It concluded: 'The state of being married was the only significant predictor of telomere length when all other factors were not adjusted. '结论总结:其中只有结婚是端粒长度较长的唯一重要预测因素而其他一切因素都不起作用。

5.Social psychologists have found a second key predictor of mutual attraction: similarity.社会心理学家发现第二个共同吸引因素:相似。

6.Furthermore, donor age seems to be a more important predictor of graft loss than donor sex.此外,供者年龄较供者性别似乎能更好地预测移植物的丢失。

7.A man's job status is an outstanding predictor of his wife's attractiveness.一名男士的工作状态,恰是他妻子吸引力的绝佳预测工具。

8.Now a new study suggests that the biggest predictor of maternal blues is a woman's concerns about her relationship with her partner.目前一项新研究表明,母性忧虑的最准预测者是女性对于和她老公关系的担心。

9.Among multiple objective and subjective factors, pain was a strong predictor of the final general health status and arm-specific disabipty.在多个主观和客观的因素中,疼痛是最终健康状况和残疾水平的一个预测因素。

10.The best predictor of a state's wealth is the proportion of adults with a four-year degree.接受四年大学教育的成人比例,最能预测所在州的财富。