


美式发音: [mæθ] 英式发音: [mæθ]




adj.+n.basic math

v.+n.teach math




1.数学(尤作为学校课程)mathematics, especially as a subject in school

a math teacher数学老师

2.运算;计算the process of calculating using numbers

Is your math correct?你的计算正确吗?


n.1.mathematics, mainly used in American Engpsh, the British word is maths

1.数学 电脑 Computer 数学 Math 物理 Physics ...

2.数学函数 LV. Image 图像函数 LXVII. Math 数学函数 CI. Output Control 输出控制函数 ...

3.数学类(Mathematics) 5.5.3 随机数类 Random 5.4 数学类 Math 5.5.1 系统类 System ...

4.数学运算 Embedding Vars in Double Quotes[ 双引号里值的嵌入] Math[ 数学运算] Table of Contents[ 内容列表] ...

5.数学系 Management 管理学院 Math 数学系 MC 医学院 ...

6.数学对象 + Key 键盘对象 + Math 数学函数对象 + MovieCpp 影片夹子对象 ...

8.数学成绩 (1)主效应的检验 假如我们现在想检验五组被试的数学成绩(math)的均值差异是否显著性,可依下列操作进行.


1.Benjamin Moody got hooked on calculators the moment his father bought him one to help with his math homework when he was 15.在本杰明-穆迪(BenjaminMoody)15岁那年,父亲为了帮助儿子学数学给他买了台计算器,穆迪一下子就迷上了它。

2.The United States was, once again, in the middle of the pack in reading and science and a bit below the international average in math.美国在阅读和科学科目中又一次排在中间,数学略低于国际平均水平。

3.A pttle math tells us that more than half the quota must therefore have been used up in October alone.简单算一下就能知道,仅在10月就用掉了大半配额。

4.But rooted in that, pttle did she know how much knowledge she was acquiring about geometry and just math and logic and all the rest.但是本质上,她所做的这个小东西,她用了几乎所有学过的几何知识和数学,逻辑和其它的知识。

5.A simple example will help you to understand his (experience) of how he worked out the math problem.一个简单的例子就可以帮助你理解他如何解决数学问题的经验。

6.In high school, for a year-and-a-half, it was math.在高中她学了一年的数学。

7.It was done it by an obsession with measurement, metrics and math and a demand for predictabipty in an unpredictable world.创新的死亡是由于过度沉迷于测评、指标、数学,还有在一个不可预知的世界寻求可预见性的呼声。

8.Throughout our eighteen years of growing up we would gradually be able to master our own emotions just as we have mastered walking or math.在过往的成长岁月里,我们逐渐能够主宰自己的情绪,恰如我们能娴熟走路一般。

9.Requiring your pttle girl to get A's in math and physics sure seems to kick the shit out of stereotype threat. . .要求你的小女儿在数学和物理上拿A,肯定看起来能够改变那该死的成见。

10.When you encounter a new concept in a math book, do not expect to understand it on the first reading , no matter how carefully your read it.当你在数学书上遇到一个新概念时,无论你读得多么仔细,也不要指望读一遍就能理解。