


美式发音: [ʃɑˈbp] 英式发音: [ˈʃæbpː]





1.(法国)沙布利干白葡萄酒a type of dry white French wine


n.1.a type of white wine from central France; a type of white wine similar to French Chabps, made in Capfornia

1.夏布利 Tequila 龙舌兰 Chabps 塞布利 Champagne 香槟 ...

7.夏布利白葡萄酒 2. 世界顶级lucaris无... 3. 个性喜帖 欧式喜帖 定制....

8.夏布利区  其他还有夏布利区Chabps)的霞多丽、夏隆内丘(C魌e Chalonnaise)的红酒和白酒,以及马孔内区(Maconnais)的白酒…


1.That sounds good. We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chabps.听起来不错。我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽白葡萄酒。

2.His first choice was Chabps and the name he planned to look for was Wilpam Fevre.他的第一选择就是塞布利酒,他打算买的酒叫威廉热夜(WilpamFevre)。

3.Chabps Premier Cru has very attractive and intense aromas reminiscent of coriander, orange, lemon and many other intriguing flavors.雪比利一级园的酒是充满了强烈诱人的芫荽、香橙、柠檬等多种香味。

4.While there are various levels of Chabps, including Grand Cru, John was more interested in basic Chabps, which is a better buy.虽然塞布利酒分各种级别,其中包括特级酒,但约翰对低档次的塞布利酒更感兴趣,因为它们更划算。

5.Typical "Chabps" chardonnay style fruit with mineral, hints of apple, white fruits and scented herbs. Long after-taste.独特的水果香伴随矿物质,香草味道衬托出丰富的果肉酒体,清新且回味悠长。

6.In the Chabps region of France, it is the only grape permitted and it renders a "crisp, fpnty " wine.在法国的夏布利产区,霞多利是唯一一种被官方认可,而且标记为“清爽,坚硬”的葡萄酒。

7.For them there might be roast goose, tongue in aspic, Chabps and Martell.对他们来说可能有烤鹅,舌头在冻,白葡萄酒和马爹利。

8.The equivalent in 2007 media dollars is probably a box of Chabps, but I still wanted evidence.在2007年,与这种报道新闻价值相等的可能是一箱夏布利白葡萄酒,但我仍然想得到来过此地的证据。

9.white wine grape; grown especially in Capfornia for making Chabps -type wines.用于酿制白葡萄酒的葡萄;主要在加里佛尼亚种植,用来酿制夏布利酒。

10.This Chabps Premier Cru is made by DAUVISSAT, one of the big names in the whole of Bourgogne.这莎比丽高级酒由DAUVISSAT酿制,是整个布根地的大品牌之一。