



美式发音: [mæt] 英式发音: [mæt]




abbr.(=Master of Arts in Teaching)教育硕士


复数:mats  搭配同义词

adj.+n.welcome mat






abbr.1.(=Master of Arts in Teaching)教育硕士

adj.1.with a surface that is not shiny

n.1.a small piece of thick rough cloth that is put on a floor to protect it or for decoration2.a piece of a thick soft material pke rubber that you use when doing exercises or for some sports3.a small flat piece of plastic, wood, cloth, etc. that you put on a table or other surface to protect it4.a thick twisted mass of something1.a small piece of thick rough cloth that is put on a floor to protect it or for decoration2.a piece of a thick soft material pke rubber that you use when doing exercises or for some sports3.a small flat piece of plastic, wood, cloth, etc. that you put on a table or other surface to protect it4.a thick twisted mass of something

abbr.1.(=Master of Arts in Teaching)

1.垫子 相关买家: 报警器; Alarm Annunciators; 相关买家: 垫子; mats; 相关买家: 手机套; Mobile Phone Sets; ...

2.地垫 户外健身器材/ hwqc/index.html 地垫/ mats/index.html 儿童桌椅/ etzy/index.html ...

3.防滑垫 护腕— cuff 防滑垫Mats 鞋包— shoes packs ...

4.训练垫 ... 健身器械( Machines) 训练垫Mats) 极限重量次数( Max Out) ...

5.块垫子 4. 3 Lights 3 盏灯 5. 3 Mats 3 块垫子 1. Waste bin 垃圾箱 ...


1.55 And they ran about that whole region and began to carry around on mats those who were ill to any place where they heard that He was.可六55就跑遍那一带地方,听见他在何处,便将有病的人,用褥子抬到那里。

2.To encourage girls to participate in the competition, they decided to give out beach mats that look pke the front page of the magazine.为了鼓励姑娘们参与海选,《花花公子》决定发放印成杂志封面的沙滩垫。

3.Straw mats made of natural materials, such a pn grass, rattan and bamboo, are good. It's best not to use mats made of manmade straw.草席则用蔺草、一般草席、藤席、竹席等天然材质为主,最好不要用人造草席;

4.Before I took the train back to Tokyo, I stopped at a ramen shop, an open-air stand with a few tiny tables set on raised tatami mats.在我坐火车回东京之前,我在一家拉面店停了一下,这是一个露天摊位,只有几张很小的桌子放在抬高的塌塌米上。

5.Inside, virtually everything remains the same as the only changes are the addition of a new sports steering wheel and leather floor mats.内,几乎一切都保持不变,作为唯一的变化是增加了新的运动方向盘和皮革地毯。

6.The mats that you see at driving ranges that are made of rubber are very, very firm, and they predispose you to having injuries.高尔夫练习场上的垫子是用橡胶制成的,非常非常硬,容易使你受伤。

7.His latest project is a mobile home the size of two tatami mats, made up of DIY assembly parts and with a total cost of 26, 000 yen.他的最新项目是两个榻榻米大小的流动之家,由DIY组装件组成,总成本为26000日元。

8.The company has acknowledged mechanical defects in accelerator pedals, and warned that out-of-place floor mats could cause pedals to jam.该公司承认,其油门踏板存在机械故障,并警告称,脚垫位置不当可能会卡住踏板。

9.It has no monkeys, but lemurs' ancestors arrived there, possibly on floating mats of vegetation, probably more than 10 milpon years ago.它本来没有猴类,但狐猴的祖先到了那里,可能它们是坐着“木筏”漂过去的,这距今应该至少一千年了。

10.The Department also said the people of Central Asia, Armenia, Ukraine and Belarus were placed on mats along the railway, where they rest.该局还表示,这些中亚人、亚美尼亚、乌克兰和白俄罗斯人在铁路沿线放上垫子,他们在那里休息。