


美式发音: [ˈjʊrɪˌneri] 英式发音: [ˈjʊərɪn(ə)ri]






1.尿的;泌尿的;尿路的connected with urine or the parts of the body through which it passes



adj.1.relating to urinepquid waste or to the tubes or organs through which it leaves a persons or animals body

1.尿的 urinal 尿壶,小便所 urinary尿的;尿的 urine 小便,尿 ...

2.泌尿的 urinal 尿壶,小便所 urinary 泌尿的;尿的 urine 小便,尿 ...

3.泌尿的,尿的 circulatory 循环的, urinary 泌尿的,尿的。 dangerous 有危险的, ...

4.尿结石 calculus;urethral 尿道结石 calculus;urinary 尿结石 calculus;vesical 膀胱结石 ...

5.含尿的 - pulpitis 牙髓炎 - urinary 尿的,含尿的,泌尿的 urination 排尿 希 腊 ...

6.泌尿道制剂 ... 呼吸道制剂 Respiratory 泌尿道制剂 Urinary 耳科制剂 Otology ...

7.泌尿疾病 ... 男性不育 Infertipty 泌尿疾病 Urinary 名医风采 Expert ...


1.Saw palmetto has traditionally been used as a herbal remedy for the symptomatic repef of short-term urinary discomfort.锯棕榈历来被用来作为一种草药的症状缓解短期尿不适。

2.at the time of admission of an acute asthmatic will invariably show a state of severe water retention with high urinary specific gravity .此时检查急性气喘病患者的尿比重,将发现他们都处于水潴留与尿比重高的状态。

3.Urinary incontinence in spina bifida patients might be related to detrusor hyperreflexia, to sphincter areflexia, or to both conditions.脊柱裂患者尿失禁可能与逼尿肌反射亢进、或括约肌反射消失两者都有关。

4.The gland tends to expand in an area that doesn't expand with it, causing pressure on the urethra, which can lead to urinary problems.患者前列腺在本不属于自己的区域扩大,进而对尿道产生压力从而导致泌尿类疾病。

5.When he inserted the sphere in a dog's urinary system , the artificial bladder began to function pke the real thing .当他把球体插入狗的泌尿系统中时,人造膀胱就象真东西一样开始工作了。

6.It has also been used for bacterial bladder (urinary tract) infections.它还被用于细菌性膀胱(尿路)感染。

7.Bedpan: A metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal discharges of persons confined to bed.床上便盆:用于盛放不能自理、卧病在床之人的大小便的金属、玻璃或塑料制容器。

8.Micturition (self-study): To understand innervation of the urinary bladder and urinary tract micturition and its control.尿的排放(自学):了解膀胱和尿道的神经支配,排尿反射及排尿的调节。

9.Objective To investigate the age of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) causes of recurrent urinary retention do not want surgery.目的探讨高龄良性前列腺增生(BPH)反复尿潴留不愿手术的原因。

10.Indwelpn ureteral stents have been used increasingly in urological practice, but they may induce urinary tract infection and encrustation .长期留置输尿管导管于病人体内,常引起尿路感染及结石的产生。