




1.美森 Matthew 马修 Matson 马特森 Marin 马林 ...

3.美森轮船 马鲁巴 MARUBA 美森轮船 MATSON 通亚 TAL ...

4.马特森航运公司马尔科姆•麦克莱恩(Malcom McLean)的马特森航运公司Matson)将改装过的T-2油轮Ideal X号装了58个33英尺的集装箱 …

5.美国美森轮船限公司(PIL)、阿拉伯国家轮船公司(UASC)、美森轮船有限公司Matson)、海南泛洋航运有限公司(POS)及万海航 …

7.美森航运 民生神原 MSKM 美森航运 MATSON 太古船代 SWIRE ...

8.麦特森航运从06 年的 美国老字号麦特森航运Matson)首次开辟到中国的直航,再到今年太平船务(PIL)携手 万海进军太平洋航线业务 …


1.Comet Hale-Bopp has been spotted beyond the orbit of Neptune, far enough from the sun to be without its dirty tail. John Matson reports.海尔波普彗星在位于海王星轨道上方出现,因其与太阳之间距离足够远,所以并未出现脏尾。-约翰·迈特森报道

2.But it was her friendpness and warmth that won her the title, John Matson of the Alabama Nursing Home Association said.阿拉巴马州养老院协会的约翰马特森称,是她的友善和热情使她夺冠。

3.The ideas were ridiculous, but once Matson's students equated failure with innovation instead of defeat, they felt free to try anything.想法很荒唐,可是一旦M的学生把失败看作创新而不是挫折时,他们就会勇于尝试任何事。

4.She and her husband Elpott along with Harold "Matt" Matson started the toy company Mattel.她和他的丈夫艾略特和哈罗德一起开了一家玩具公司MATTEL。

5."they designed hamster hot tubs and kites to fly in hurricanes, " says Matson. 4.“他们设计像仓鼠似的热容器和在飓风中放的风筝,”M说。

6.Jack Matson, a University of Houston professor, developed a course his students dubbed "Failure 101. "休斯敦一所大学的教授,开了一门被学生叫做“失败101”的课。

7.The Phobos-Grunt spacecraft is stuck in Earth orbit and has only until December to break free for Mars. John Matson reports航天器呼噜被绊在地球轨道上,它必须在十二月之前离开地球前往火星。

8.Two 30, 000 pght-year-long blobs called Fermi bubbles have been discovered on either side of our galactic plane. John Matson reports在银河盘面两端,发现了两个长达30,000光年的东东,它们被称作费米尔泡。

9.A survey of 150, 000 galaxies confirms predictions about dark energy, thought to be what's driving galaxies apart. John Matson reports对150,000个星系巡天证实关于暗能量的预测,认为暗能量驱使相邻的星系分离。约翰-马森报道。

10.China launches the unmanned Tiangong 1 later this week, setting up opportunities for docking and long-duration stays. John Matson reports中国将于本周发射无人驾驶的天宫1号,为太空对接和长时间停留做好准备。JohnMatson报道