


美式发音: [ˈsetɪŋ] 英式发音: ['setɪŋ]




复数:settings  搭配同义词

adj.+n.natural setting,appropriate setting,peaceful setting,attractive setting,tranquil setting




1.环境;背景a set of surroundings; the place at which sth happens

a rural/an ideal/a beautiful/an idylpc, etc. setting乡村、理想、优美、田园等的环境

It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.环境气氛无可挑剔,正是一个美好的圣诞节所需要的。

2.(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景the place and time at which the action of a play, novel, etc. takes place

short stories with a contemporary setting以当代生活为背景的短篇小说

3.(机器上调节速度、高度、温度等的)挡,级,点a position at which the controls on a machine can be set, to set the speed, height, temperature, etc.

The performance of the engine was tested at different settings.对引擎的性能在不同的挡上做了试验。

4.(为诗等谱的)曲music written to go with a poem, etc.

Schubert's setting of a poem by Goethe舒伯特为歌德的一首诗谱的曲

5.(镶嵌宝石的)底座,底板,托板a piece of metal in which a precious stone is fixed to form a piece of jewellery

6.(摆在桌上供一人用的)一套餐具a complete set of equipment for eating with (knife, fork, spoon, glass, etc.) for one person, arranged on a table

a place setting一个座位的整套餐具



n.1.the place where someone or something is, and all the things, people, or emotions that are part of that place2.a particular time or place that a play, book, movie, etc. happens in3.a position that the controls of a piece of equipment are at4.the dishes, knives, forks, spoons, place mat, and napkin that one person uses at a meal5.the metal part of a piece of jewelry that holds a stone or jewel in place6.a piece of music added to words, especially to the words of a poem1.the place where someone or something is, and all the things, people, or emotions that are part of that place2.a particular time or place that a play, book, movie, etc. happens in3.a position that the controls of a piece of equipment are at4.the dishes, knives, forks, spoons, place mat, and napkin that one person uses at a meal5.the metal part of a piece of jewelry that holds a stone or jewel in place6.a piece of music added to words, especially to the words of a poem

v.1.The present participle of set

1.设置 "Multiplayer"( 多人游戏) "Setting"( 设置) "Quit"( 退出) ...

2.设定 session 任务 阶段作业 setting 设置 设定 shader 着色程序 描影程式 ...

3.环境 robust a. 强键的 setting n. 环境 sociable a. 好交际的, 合群的 ...

4.背景 sequential rule 序列规则 setting 背景;环境 sexist language 性别歧视语 ...

5.安装 setter up 蝶工 setting 安装 setting up error 安装误差 ...

6.布景 布褐〖 coarseclothes〗 布景setting〗 布局〖 distribution;layout〗 ...

7.场景 script 电影剧本 setting 场景 shadow play 皮影戏 ...

8.安置 set 放,指定 n.全套 setting 安置,背景,环境 settle 解决,安置,支付 ...


1.They did not expect to be mugged by the spectrum renewal process shortly after setting foot in Greece.投资者们没想到的是,刚刚涉足希腊不久,就在牌照更新程序上被敲了一回竹杠。

2.As the column splashed across the shallow waters, the sun was setting behind a pair of grassy hills.当众人水花飞溅的淌过河水时,太阳正落到一对绿草盈盈的山丘后面。“双乳峰。”

3.Running in a road race is all about setting a goal and achieving it, and the only person you should be competing against is yourself.参加跑步比赛的重点在于努力达到自己设定的目标,你只需要与自己较劲就行了。

4.The amount of money invested is still small by China's standards, but seems to be setting off an outsize reaction among the Japanese.在中国看来,这项投资的数额依然很小,但似乎要在日本引发巨大的反响。

5.Apparently in between the camera men setting up for the next scene or angle, Rob goes to his trailer to learn his next set of pnes.显然男人之间的相机设置为下一个场景或角,罗布去他的拖车,以了解他的下一套行。

6.In a fairytale setting - a castle and a tavern in the heart of a dense wood - a company of men and women are brought together by chance.在一个童话般的环境--位于茂密森林的腹地中的一座城堡和一个客栈--一群男人和女人偶然的遇在一起。

7.At this point, the outing had already taken close to six hours, the sun was setting and both George and I were losing our good cheer.到此为止,我们为车辆过户已经花了近六个小时,太阳正在西坠,乔治和我全没了好心情。

8.Secretary of State Dean Acheson told him to take his Quaker views to a more hospitable setting than he could possibly find in Washington.国务卿艾奇逊曾告诉凯南把他自己那套贵格会的观点收起来,去华府里没准可以找到的一个更为宽容的环境中去工作。

9.Setting out on the road, I could not help thinking of Mr Rochester's despair when he found himself abandoned.上路后,我忍不住要想罗切斯特先生发现自己被抛弃后该是多么绝望。

10.However, Wells Fargo is still setting aside large amounts of funds to cover future losses from loans, although less than a year ago.然而,富国银行仍然留出大量的资金去弥补未来的贷款损失,尽管数额少于去年。