




1.马迪奥 「亲爱的女士:在过去的几个月里,无论天气如何, …

3.马提欧陶陶的温馨画面,与平常家庭并无不同。通过代孕母亲所生的马蒂奥(Matteo)和瓦伦蒂诺(Valentino),偎依在父亲的怀里,活 …

6.马泰奥  此外,马泰奥Matteo)等进行的荟萃分析也显示,甘精胰岛素与NPH胰岛素降低HbA1c相似(Diabetes Research And Cpnic …

7.马蒂欧·重要的历史信息 马蒂欧(Matteo) 11年07月26日·物质转换 matteo 11年07月26日 ·隐形平衡的魅力 matteo 11年07月22日 ·一个 …


1.It was introduced to Europe by the Itapan Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to Latinise the name as "Confucius. "该思想被意大利耶稣信徒利玛窦传到欧洲,利玛窦是第一个用拉丁语翻译孔子名字的人。

2.We thought that Matteo Ricci could have introduced in this box the concept of the Good which overcomes the evil.我们认为利玛窦可能已将战胜邪恶的美德这一概念引入他的盒子系统中。

3.Matteo Sereni will terminate his Lazio career at the end of this season after contract talks over a renewal collapsed.在新合同的谈判失败之后,塞雷尼将会结束他在拉齐奥的球员生涯在这个赛季后。

4.Matteo Paro scored Juve's first ever Serie B goal and was again decisive today with his assists from midfield.帕罗曾经踢进了尤文的意乙首球,而今天,他来自中场的助攻再次决定了比赛。

5.Matteo Paro, metronome of the Bianconeri midfield, relayed to the press the fantastic mood in the Juventus dressing room.活跃在尤文图斯中场的帕罗向记者们描述了球队更衣室内热闹的氛围。

6.Matteo Ricci was an Itapan missionary sent to China in 1582. Once here, he studied the Chinese language and customs.利玛窦,意大利的耶稣会传教士,1582年来到中国居住,并学习汉语和风俗习惯。

7.Oberto Di Matteo - Kills snake stone dead with a wonderful dipping volley from 30 yards and takes only 42 seconds to do so.罗伯托-迪马特奥――他用30码外的漂亮一击完全杀死了蛇。整个过程只用了42秒。

8.Goalkeeper Matteo Sereni has returned to the negotiating table over extending his stay with Lazio.门将塞雷尼重新开始了和拉齐奥的续约谈判。

9."You move governmental departments from prime locations to less expensive ones and arbitrage on the rent, " says UBS' Matteo Cominetta.“把政府部门由黄金地段迁往价格更低的地段,利用租金差套利,”瑞银的马特奥•科米内塔(MatteoCominetta)表示。

10.The map created by Matteo Ricci was the first in Chinese to show the Americas.这幅由利玛窦(MatteoRicci)制作的地图是第一个用中文展示美洲的地图。