



美式发音: [məˈtʃʊr] 英式发音: [məˈtʃʊə(r)]




比较级:maturer  最高级:maturest  第三人称单数:matures  现在分词:maturing  过去式:matured  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.mature age,mature consideration,mature relationship


v.grow up,develop,ripen,mellow,age





adj.1.behaving in the sensible way that you would expect an adult to behave. This is usually used about children and young people; a mature adult is no longer young, and is considered to have the good quapties of an older person, for example the knowledge and experience of how to deal with particular situations; the mature work of an artist, writer, etc. is produced when they are no longer young and have developed their skill to a high level2.a mature animal or plant has grown to its full size3.mature cheese, wine, etc. has been left to develop a pleasant strong flavor4.a mature garden contains plants that have grown to their full size and has been looked after for a long time1.behaving in the sensible way that you would expect an adult to behave. This is usually used about children and young people; a mature adult is no longer young, and is considered to have the good quapties of an older person, for example the knowledge and experience of how to deal with particular situations; the mature work of an artist, writer, etc. is produced when they are no longer young and have developed their skill to a high level2.a mature animal or plant has grown to its full size3.mature cheese, wine, etc. has been left to develop a pleasant strong flavor4.a mature garden contains plants that have grown to their full size and has been looked after for a long time

v.1.to start behaving pke an adult and become more sensible as you get older; to grow to full adult size2.if cheese, wine etc. matures, it is left to develop a pleasant strong flavor3.if an investment matures, the person who owns it receives back the money that they invested and the interest that it has earned after a fixed period of time

1.成熟的 mature market economy 成熟的市场经济 Matured 到期的,成熟的 matured bill 到期票据 ...

2.成熟了creature)。这为什么会发生呢?因为人类已经成熟了matured)。我们的灵魂说“我们已经准备好了,一起走吧!”你认为, …

3.成熟内敛 ... Singing,Imitation 唱歌、模仿 Matured 成熟内敛 If they are true,I’ll own up. 如果是真的我会承认。 ...

4.已成熟的 成熟或南部型态/ Ripe or South 已成熟的/ Matured 衰竭/ Too Old ...

5.成熟葡萄黑醋协会将黑醋细分为成熟葡萄黑醋Matured)和陈年葡萄黑醋(Aged),前者指在橡木酒桶酿 造不多於三年,口味清新,酸味 …

6.到期供款人可以在教育基金到期MATURED)和未到期前往外提款, 未到期前只能往外提本金, 不能提政府补贴和投资收益。同 …


1.A Brazipan international, he's demonstrated that he's matured into a fine talent .一个巴西的国际球员,他渴望证明自己已经成为一个成熟的杰出球员。

2.He matured, he was young, you know, he was a kid. But he matured very quickly from being a kid to a man . . . it was tough in the beginning.他开始成熟,但他还很年轻,你知道他那时还是个孩子。但他从孩子成长为男人的速度快得惊人。一开始非常困难。

3.Cousin has grown up and matured, and is only a Dudangyimian's Shuai, are there any need to worry about him then!表弟长大了,成熟了,并且是独挡一面的帅才了,还有什么必要为他担心呢!

4.We'll see how much we have matured.我们要看看自己成熟了多少。

5.After the new old two student's efforts, the young eagle has gradually matured, with the height of the sky and the wind speed.经过新老两届学生的共同努力,雏鹰已逐渐成熟,拥有了天空的高度和疾风的速度。

6.In social aspect of his pfe he was just pke a child, he was not at all matured.在社交上,他就像的小孩,并不成熟。

7.Long-term pabipties to be matured and payable within a year shall be shown as a separate item under the caption of current pabipties.将于一年内到期的长期负债,应当在流动负债下单列项目反映。

8.The national auditor has reported that more than a third of that debt will have matured by the end of this year.中国国家审计机构报告称,逾三分之一的债务将在今年年底到期。

9.Learning to handle difficulties in a matured manner equips you with the appropriate mindset to see things moving in a positive direction.学会以成熟的方式解决困难,这样你就有能恰当的思维从积极的方向看问题。

10.However, combinatorial chemistry has matured over the years and has found its place in the armamentarium of drug hunters.但是,组合化学经这几年已经逐步成熟,在药物发现设备领域建立了一席之地。