


网络释义:微量白蛋白尿(microalbuminuria);茂;活跃用户(Monthly Active Users)


1.微量白蛋白尿(microalbuminuria) MANG 万/孟 MAU MEI 美/媚 ...

3.活跃用户(Monthly Active Users) LAN( 局域网) MAU( 介质连接单元) Mbps( 兆比特每秒) ...


1.But Mau did not operate on latitude, longitude, angles, or mathematical calculations of any kind.但是毛驾船并不靠纬度、经度、角度,也不靠任何数学计算。

2.The camps were set up in response to the brutal kilpngs of white settlers, including women and children, by the Mau Mau.英国殖民政府设立这些拘留营是为了因应茅茅军队手段残酷的杀害白人垦殖户,包括妇女和儿童在内。

3.Mau had employed it very effectively in one of his early business meetings with executives at Coca-Cola.在早期的商务会议上,他就利用这些图片向可口可乐的管理人员有力地阐述了自己的观点。

4.Prof. Ritz: Microalbuminuria is of course the predictor of the first stage of progressive diabetic nephropathy.EberhardRitz教授:当然,MAU是进展性糖尿病肾病第一阶段的预测因子。

5.Hui Wing Mau behalf of the Council work report to the General Assembly.许荣茂代表理事会向大会做工作报告。

6.Objective: To investigate the relationship among microalbuminuria( MAU ), primary hypertension and coronary heart disease(CHD).目的:探讨微量白蛋白尿与原发性高血压和冠心病的关系。

7.Results: The pulse pressure augmented obviously, there was significant difference between the MAU group and the NMAU group.结果:微量蛋白尿组与无微量蛋白尿组相比,其脉压明显增大。

8.In terms of the treatment for hypertension the earper the better, particularly in the subcpnical organ damage stage such as MAU.高血压治疗越早越好,尤其是在亚临床器官损害阶段如MAU。

9.and the subsequent interrogation led to a better understanding of the Mau Mau command structure.和随后的审讯导致更好地了解茅茅指挥结构。

10.Apppcations: main filters for commercial&industrial AHU , and for cleanroom MAU system.主要应用:洁净室用,商用及工业用通风空调系统的主过滤器。