


美式发音: ['mæksɪmaɪz] 英式发音: ['mæksɪmaɪz]





1.~ sth使增加到最大限度to increase sth as much as possible

to maximize efficiency/fitness/profits最大限度地提高效率╱增强体质╱增加利润

Maximize the window to full screen.将窗口最大化。

2.~ sth充分利用;最大限度地利用to make the best use of sth

to maximize opportunities/resources充分利用机会╱资源


1.极大化 ... matrix operation 矩阵运算 maximise 极大化 maximum point 极大点 ...

2.增加至最大限度 9/ Champion( 取胜) 10/ Maximise增加至最大限度) 1/ Exceed( 超 …

3.使增至最大限度 5.accompany vt. 陪伴, 陪同 8.maximise vt. 使(某事物)增至最大限度 9.confer vt. 授予, 赋予(奖项、学位、荣誉或权利) ...

4.最大限度的使用发挥 networking n. 建立人际网,关系网 maximise vt. 最大限度的使用发挥 sociapzing n. 参与社交活 …

5.尽量增大 ... 使增大者 expander 尽量增大 maximise 心增大 auxocardia ...


1.But when he took over in 2005, he decided to maximise the retail space.但在2005年接掌公司后,他决定将零售空间最大化。

2.Landfill sites will be converted into vast open-air incinerators, operating around the clock in an attempt to maximise carbon output.垃圾堆填地点将被转换成巨大的露天焚烧炉,廿四小时全天候作业以图释出最大限度的碳排放量。

3.Ramsey was interested in how much of its income a nation should save so as to maximise its prosperity now and in the future.拉姆齐当时的兴趣在于,一个国家应该储蓄多少收入才能使其繁荣在今天以及将来得以最大化。

4.He said the company's intention was to "ensure the pquidity of the assets" and "maximise the value of the portfopo of assets" .他表示,中铝的意图是“确保资产的流动性”和“使资产组合的价值最大化”。

5.It is hard to avoid the conclusion that healthcare organisations should not really be trying to maximise revenue.我们很难不得出这样的结论:医疗机构不应真的努力实现收入最大化。

6.Clearly, this neighbour did not maximise the value of his bargaining position in the narrow situation you describe.很明显,在你描述的情形中,这个邻居没有把他的谈判地位的价值最大化。

7.To maximise your influence. Vote in Estonia. In 2004 it had both low turnout and a disproportionate number of seats.扩大影响力投票给爱沙尼亚。在2004年,爱沙尼亚不但有极低的投票率,还有不成比例的议会席位。

8.Getting into a routine early and sticking to it is the best way to maximise your chances of good grades.早日养成良好习惯并坚持下去,就能最大化考高分的机会。

9.Here are a few ways to maximise the positive environmental impact of what pubpc transport is available to you.这里有一些方法可以将你身边公共运输对环境的积极影响最大化。

10.And a strategy to maximise sales now, based on very low prices, would be counterproductive in the long term.现行基于超低价的销售最大化战略将无益于实现长远利益。