


美式发音: ['mæksɪməs] 英式发音: ['mæksɪməs]





1.马克西姆斯 马库斯 Marcus 麦克西莫斯 Maximus 露西拉 Lucilla ...

4.麦希穆斯 rome is to be a repubpc again 罗马会再度成为共和国 maximus 麦希穆斯 yse 对 ...

5.马克西莫斯 高祖 The Grandfather 麦西穆斯 Maximus 忠贞回忆 Faithful Memory ...

7.马克西母第四条:关于犬儒学派的马克西母Maximus)以及他在康士坦丁堡所激起的混乱,兹 宣布:马克西母过去和现在都不是主教…


1.The gluteus maximus in the buttocks works with the psoas (located high at the front of the thigh) to balance the pelvis from front to back.臀大肌与腰大肌(位于大腿前侧上方)共同工作,保持骨盆前后两侧的平衡。

2.One of the most famous places in ancient Rome was the Circus Maximus .古罗马最著名的地方之一就是马克西姆斯大赛场。

3.Maximus: My house is in the hill above Tiupllo, a very simple place. pink stones that warm in the sun.马克西默斯:我家在提基洛附近的山丘上,那是一个非常简单的地方。

4.Emperors became popes (both were called "Pontifex Maximus" ), senators became bishops, orators became priests and basipcas became churches.皇帝变成了教皇(两者都被称为大祭司长),元老院议员变成了主教,雄辩家变成了牧师,而长方形大会堂则变成了教堂。

5.Fabian : Of or relating to the caution and avoidance of direct confrontation typical of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus.采用渐进,待机策略的:属于或关于罗马将军昆塔斯·费边·马克西马斯的谨慎和避免直接交锋的。

6.Maiga: The best and largest racetrack was the Maximus racetrack built in the 1st century BC in Rome.麦加:最好最大的赛马场是公元前1世纪建于罗马的马克西穆斯赛马场。

7.CAESAR: Oh I envy you, Maximus. It's a good home, worth fighting for. There is one more duty that I ask of you before you go home.恺撒:哦,我真羡慕你,马克西姆斯。你的家很幸福,值得为它奋斗。在你回家之前我要请你再多担当一项职责。

8.You use many muscles while jumping rope, including your calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and forearms.跳绳的时候需要运动许多肌肉,包括小腿,四头肌,大肌腱,臀大肌和前臂。

9.MR images revealed an ill-defined soft tissue mass that crossed the fascia of the gluteus maximus muscle.磁共振成像显示,定义不清的软组织肿块越过筋膜的臀大肌肌。

10.The gluteus maximus turns the bent leg hip outward. External rotator muscles deep in the hip assist in maintaining the turnout.臀大肌使弯曲退侧臀部向外。髋部深处的外旋肌辅助维持这个外旋动作。