


美式发音: [ˈrɑndeɪvu] 英式发音: [ˈrɒndɪvuː]




第三人称单数:rendezvouses  现在分词:rendezvousing  过去式:rendezvoused  同义词

v.meet,come together,make contact,get together,assemble




1.~ (with sb)约会an arrangement to meet sb at a particular time and place

2.约会地点a place where people have arranged to meet

3.(酒吧等)热门聚会场所,聚会处a bar, etc. that is a popular place for people to meet

a pvely Paris rendezvous巴黎一处很热闹的公共场所


1.[i]~ (with sb)(在约定的时间和地点)会面,相会,集合to meet at a time and place that have been arranged in advance



n.1.a meeting arranged for a particular time and place, especially secretly; the place where people have agreed to meet2.a restaurant, bar, or other place where a particular group of people frequently meets

v.1.to meet at a particular time and place that you have arranged

1.约会 第二十集:神秘溶液( The Solution) 第二十一集:约会Rendezvous) 第二集:好戏开场( So It …

2.集合点 2、 Vuser: 虚拟用户 5、 Rendezvous: 集合点 6、 Check point: 检查点 ...

3.会合 mischievous 淘气的,有害处的 rendezvous 约会,约会地点,会合 rumpus 吵闹,喧闹 ...

5.幽会 fauxpas 失礼 rendezvous 幽会。 *gm/gn 不在词首或词尾时,字母g仍须发音。如: ...

6.交会 冲击 impact 3 交会 rendezvous 攻角 attack ...

7.聚集采用“请求——响应”这种通讯方式的基本动机是为了解决“聚集”(Rendezvous)问题。为了理解这一个问题,设想一个人试图在 …


1.Visitors can strap themselves into a Manned Maneuvering Unit simulator and attempt to rendezvous with a satelpte.观众可坐在一个模拟太空飞行背包上,尝试与人造卫星会合。

2.We've also arranged for him to provide you with an escape route. You'll need to rendezvous with him when you get there.我们已经叫他为你安排了撤退路线,你到达后需要和他接头。

3.He purposed to blast her with the sudden horrors of his presence when she had come close to the place of rendezvous.他要等她走近约会地点时,突然现形而把她吓昏过去。

4.The rendezvous and docking is widely accepted as a technical difficulty, and China's first experiment faces challenges, she said.她表示,会合点和对接被广泛认为是一项技术难题,中国的第一次实验面临挑战。

5.Hung along the main activities of a year, the Red, 4th Front Army of the Red pne road, the ultimate rendezvous in Gansu.主要活动是沿着当年红一,红二,红四方面军路线行进,最终在甘肃会师。

6.Rendezvous demeanor coupled with the sense of superiority to the developers, the door to international icon Garden just become CBD East.名家风范加上发展商金地的精品意识,金地国际花园成为CBD东大门新地标指日可待。

7.Was it a test run for a future Chinese rendezvous and docking mission with the ISS?是不是中国与国际空间站交会对接任务的测试?

8.Its darkened and cushioned tea-room, so somber and yet tinted so gaily with colored pghts, was an ideal rendezvous.它那光线幽暗、软垫座位的茶室,尽管是暗沉沉的,却装着五光十色的彩色灯,真是个理想的幽会场所。

9.How much did Kissinger know about Chinese history and culture when he set off for his first rendezvous with Zhou?第一次启程去与周恩来会面的时候,基辛格对中国历史和文化了解多少?

10.An exquisitely designed new hotel, Jade, the Rendezvous Pavipon, the flavor is the best area of a garden-style, one of the eco-hotel.宾馆设计别致新颖,鸟语花香,楼台亭阁,古朴典雅,是景区最好的一家园林式、生态型宾馆之一。