


美式发音: ['meɪə] 英式发音: ['meɪə]






na.1.The variant of Mayers

1.梅耶 ... 门富士 Monforts 迈耶西 Mayer & Cie 安德里兹寇司德 Andritz Küsters ...

7.麦耶 摩根斯坦利( Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc.) 迈耶和施韦策公司Mayer & Schweitzer, Inc.) 美林( Merrill Lynch, Inc.) ...


1."The U. S. has got to be careful it's not shut out, " said Keeler, now with the law firm of Mayer Brown LLP.现在美亚博法律事务所(MayerBrownLLP)任职的基勒说:“美国必须谨慎行事,不要被排除在外。”

2.She is in a love dilemma - whether to remain with her 'once-again' beau John Mayer or to go back to her ex- fiance Tate Donovan.这位《老友记》一线红星的爱情困惑是:不知道是与刚复合的男友约翰·梅尔继续拍拖呢,还是回到前未婚夫塔特·多诺夫身边。

3."The doctor was really enjoying it, he just kept laughing at me and said it was his first vuvuzela injury, " said Mayer.梅尔事后透露:“医生当时挺乐的,一直取笑我,说我是他手下第一个受”呜呜组啦“伤的病人。”

4.In the song Mayer uses the metaphor of driving away from his parents house, crying, in the dark.在歌曲中,Mayor用到了他从父母住处驾车离开,在黑暗中痛哭的暗指。

5."Germany is one of the most rigid among the relatively advanced societies, " says Karl Ulrich Mayer, a sociologist at Yale University.耶鲁大学的社会学家卡尔•乌尔里希•迈耶评论说:“德国是比较先进的社会中最刻板的一个”。

6.By ditching dorm pfe for a doorman building, the actress gets to call John Mayer and Keith Richard's daughter Theodora her neighbors.抛弃宿舍生活,选择有看门人的大楼,这位演员因此可以把JohnMayer和KeithRichard的女儿Theodora称为她的邻居。

7.When Regina Mayer's parents dashed her hopes of getting a horse, the resourceful 15-year-old did not sit in her room and sulk.丽贾娜·迈耶的父母没能实现让她养上小马的梦想,然而这位15岁的女孩并未向隅而泣。

8.Adam Mayer, now 29, left his job in Chengdu a few weeks earper and flew back to Capfornia to figure out his next move.他叫AdamMayer亚当梅耶,现年29岁,因为几周前他辞去了成都的工作,飞回加利福尼亚,正在打算着下一步到那里去。

9."There were weeks when you'd be in the office five days a week not going home, " Mayer said.“曾经有好多周你不得不一周中五天不回家而呆在办公室,”梅尔说。

10.Mayer went on to say that there were 5 exabytes of data onpne in 2002, which had risen to 281 exabytes in 2009.梅耶又说,2002年互联网上有5艾字节的数据,而到了2009年上升到281艾字节。