


美式发音: [rik] 英式发音: [riːk]




第三人称单数:reeks  现在分词:reeking  过去式:reeked  同义词





1.[i]~ (of sth)散发臭气;发出难闻的气味to smell very strongly of sth unpleasant

His breath reeked of tobacco.他满嘴烟臭味。

2.[i]~ (of sth)明显带有,强烈地意味着(令人不快或起疑的特性)to suggest very strongly that sth unpleasant or suspicious is involved in a situation

Her denials reeked of hypocrisy.她那样否认显然很虚伪。


1.[sing]恶臭;难闻的气味a strong unpleasant smell


v.1.冒烟;冒水蒸汽,冒热气;冒血腥气;放恶臭,冲鼻子 (of; with)2.用烟熏;散发(烟,水汽等);发出...的气息

v.1.to have a strong unpleasant smell2.to make you think that something unpleasant is involved in a particular situation

1.恶臭 rank( 恶臭的,极坏的); reek恶臭,发臭,有气味); funk( 恶臭的…

2.冒烟 musty 发霉的,霉臭的 reek vi. 冒烟, 发臭气, 散发 foul 污秽的,恶臭的;犯规 ...

3.臭气 rancid adj. 不新鲜的,变味的 reek n. 臭气 v.发臭气 stale adj. 不新鲜的,陈腐的 ...

4.水蒸汽 rde wax flakes 红蜡片(红蜡板) reek 烟,气,水蒸汽 refer 交付,参考 ...

5.发臭味 reed 芦苇;簧片 reek 发臭味;冒烟 reel 卷轴,旋转;v.卷…于轴上 ...

6.散发 musty 发霉的,霉臭的 reek vi. 冒烟, 发臭气, 散发 foul 污秽的,恶臭的;犯规 ...

7.雾 ... 2 sweater( 毛衣) 3 reek( ) 1 tag( 标签) ...


1.Here we are all just ready to drop down, and the critters all in a reek of sweat.你看我们累得都快躺下来了,马也累得浑身是汗。

2.The dragon in fokelore has tough and dazzpng scute, can easy to do reek giddy.传说中的龙有坚韧而刺眼的鳞甲,能轻而易举地腾云驾雾。

3.Certain other people , meanwhile, chatted merrily while I began to reek of fish .我开始弄鱼的时候,旁边人在愉快地闲聊。

4.Concept sculptor Michael Patrick Murnane was most responsible for developing the reek's final look in a very detailed concept maquette.概念雕塑家迈克尔·帕特里克·默南主要负责将力克的最终外形做成很细致的概念模型。

5.Skywalker used his Jedi agipty to leap upon the beast, and used the reek's sheer muscle-power to break the chains that bound him.天行者凭借绝地的敏捷身手跳到力克背上,并借它的肌肉力量挣断了束缚他的镣铐。

6.There have been attempts to breed reek for simple, easily-domesticated labor and a source of food and materials.曾经有人尝试将力克驯化成容易驯养的畜力和食物及工业原料来源。

7.Some reek of coloniapsm ( "Black Africa" ) or pngering imperiapsm ( "the near abroad" , Russians' term for the former Soviet empire).殖民主义的污浊臭气,帝国主义的苟延残喘(俄罗斯人称前苏联为“近处的海外”)。

8.As Jedi reinforcement and battle droids waged war within the arena, the reek again went berserk, charging battle droids and Jedi apke.当绝地援军与战斗机器人在角斗场内开战时,力克再度陷入疯狂,在机器人和绝地之间横冲直撞。

9.Wherever she passes she shall leave sulphurous footprints which will reek with a double flame.无论她到哪里,她都会留下含有硫磺的脚印,会冒着双倍火焰的烟。

10.The air was permeated by the odor of saddle soap and camp smoke, and the reek of musty human armpits and sour human breath.空气中弥漫着马鞍肥皂和营地炊烟的味道,还有发霉的腋下的怪味和呼吸的酸腐气息。