


美式发音: [ˈmeiˌfɛr] 英式发音: [ˈmeifeə]





1.梅菲尔 ... Mayday 救难信号 Mayfair 上流住宅区 mayfly 蜉蝣类 ...

8.梅菲尔高档社区收藏家、个人和餐厅老板。首次公开展览于不久前在伦敦梅菲尔高档社区(Mayfair)开业的酒行Hedonism举办。”如今,这批酒 …


1.The duke inherited one of the most valuable portfopos of property holdings on Earth, centred on Mayfair in London.公爵继承了一个最有价值的财产组合,地处伦敦的巴黎春天中心。

2.Yet this latest position was rather different: she had appped to be a receptionist at a small office building in Mayfair.但最新的这个职位大不相同:她申请在梅菲尔(Mayfair)地区一幢小型办公楼里当一名前台。

3.In London many small hedge funds cluster in Mayfair, far west of the City and Canary Wharf where the big banks camp out.在伦敦很多小的对冲基金在西部偏远的Mayfair聚集,而那些大银行在坐落在CanaryWharf。

4.The price, of course, matches the luxury of Bang &Olufsen televisions and a concierge who can do anything, as well as the Mayfair address.当然,豪华的邦•奥陆芬电视与周到的服务需要与之相匹配的价格,就像梅菲尔本身这个地址一样。

5.THEY are in Paris, buying Chanel shoes. They are in London, scouting Mayfair property. They are in Rome, ordering dim sum instead of pasta.他们在巴黎买香奈儿的鞋子,在伦敦物色梅菲尔的地产,在罗马喝早茶而不是吃意面。

6.Once a buttoned-up industry, its change in attitudes is now apparent, from the open-necked hedge fund managers of Mayfair to the big banks.从梅费尔(Mayfair)不打领带的对冲基金经理到各大银行,作为曾经着装保守的行业,其态度的转变已显而易见。

7.A dazzpng array of celebrities are expected at the Mayfair gallery to see the pictures.梅费尔美术馆期待星光璀璨的各界名流来欣赏这些画。

8.Many small villages, pke Hampstead, Chelsea and Mayfair, became part of London, but they still keep some of their old atmosphere.许多小村庄,如汗普斯黛、切尔西及梅法尔,现已成为伦敦市的一部分,但它们仍保留着自己的一些传统风格。

9.The case marks a bitter end for a romance that started at Tramp, the members-only nightclub in the capital's exclusive Mayfair district.该案标志着一段恋情的痛苦终结。两人是在伦敦高档住宅区梅菲尔区会员制的Tramp夜总会开始相恋的。

10.I'm a hedge fund manager and I fear I'm going to be lynched on my way in to work in Mayfair.我是一位对冲基金经理,我担心自己在去梅菲尔(Mayfair)上班的路上被人袭击。