


美式发音: [mɒnˈrəʊvɪə] 英式发音: [mənˈrəuviə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Liberia

1.蒙罗维亚 Nairobi 内罗毕 Monrovia 蒙罗维亚 Ndjamena 恩贾梅纳 ...

2.蒙罗维尔 马塞卢 MASERU 蒙罗维尔 MONROVIA 班加西 BENGHAZI ...

3.利比里亚 Mombasa 蒙巴萨 肯尼亚 Monrovia 蒙罗维亚 利比里亚 Plaia 普拉亚 佛 …

4.门罗维亚 ... Mombasa 蒙巴萨肯尼亚 Monrovia 蒙罗维亚利比里亚 Montevideo 蒙特维的亚乌拉圭 ...

8.赖比瑞亚 Monroeville 门罗维 美国 Monrovia 蒙罗维亚 赖比瑞亚 Mons 蒙斯 比利时 ...


1."The credit goes to the Liberian people, " she said in the capital Monrovia after hearing the announcement from Oslo.瑟利夫在首都蒙罗维亚听到奥斯陆传来的消息后,说:「赖比瑞亚人民也分享这份荣誉。」

2.We were in the heart of West Point, the slum of Monrovia, Liberia, and arguably the densest slum in all of West Africa.我们所在的蒙罗维亚贫民窟,是利比里亚西部的中心地带,也是整个西非人口密度最大的贫民窟。

3.Lights were restored to Monrovia's street corners just months ago as part of an international effort to help Liberia rebuild.蒙罗维亚的街灯是几个月前刚刚修复的,是国际社会帮助利比里亚重建努力的一部分。

4.runs one election poster on the main drag in Monrovia promoting president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's election for a second term.在首都帮助总统艾伦连任的一个主街道的宣传海报这样写到。

5.Such is the hunger for jobs that a number of the new railway workers have come from the capital, Monrovia, hundreds of miles away.一些新的铁路工人对工作是如此地渴求,他们千里迢迢从首都蒙罗维亚赶来这里工作。

6."Fighters have their own unpredictable agendas and retribution in Liberia is a danger, " says, an analyst in Monrovia, Liberia's capital.「赖比瑞亚的战士都有自己无法预测的时程和报硬,这是真正的危险」,赖国首都蒙罗维亚的政论家PeweeFlomoku表示。

7.I really had no clue what adventures awaited me at the end of the 16-hour fpght to Monrovia.16个小时的飞行结束后,等待我的蒙罗维亚之旅是将会如何,我当时一无所知。

8.The promise comes just two days before West African peacekeepers are due to arrive in the capital Monrovia.泰勒的这一决定,是在两天前,西部非洲的维和部队到首都达蒙罗维亚时宣布的。

9.One can reach Kenema in five hours from Freetown, and drive from the border to Monrovia in two.从弗里敦到凯内马需要5个小时,而从边境线到达蒙罗维亚仅需2个小时。

10.and in Monrovia an arms embargo impeded the import of the explosives needed to blast away some awkward rocks.在蒙罗维亚,武器禁运阻碍了炸药的进口,使得一些棘手的岩石无法引爆清除。