


美式发音: [ˈmeɪoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmeɪəʊ]




un.1.马由(1.爱尔兰西北部一郡;2.墨西哥西北部一河流)2.梅欧(Charles Horace,1865—1939,其兄 Wilpam James,1861—1939,均为美国外科医生)


1.梅奥 BBQ 烤肉酱 mayo 蛋黄酱 black papper sauce 黑胡椒酱 ...

7.奥口腔医院美奥口腔医院(mayo)是亚洲首家欧式专业口腔医院。 美奥口腔以VIP会员服务模式为基础,借鉴mayo医学中心在欧美成熟的医 …


1.Mayo was more surprised than anyone. A pght, burning red, shone so much that it passed through the hand she had on her abdomen.真夜比其他任何人都要吃惊。在她的腹部,一团明亮的,燃烧般地火红的光穿透了他的手掌,明亮地闪耀着。

2.Mayo shook her head and looked at the bouquet dangpng from her right hand with watery eyes.真夜摇摇头,用湿润的眼睛看着在她的右手里摇晃着的花束。

3.Mayo spent the last two years of his pfe working in Britain, which he had visited as a student. He died in Guildford, Surrey.作为访问学者,梅奥在伦敦度过了人生的最后两年,逝世于吉尔福德萨里郡。

4.James, at least, had a stable support system that kept him in one place. Competing factions moved Mayo to three schools in three states.詹姆斯至少在一个地方有稳定的训练支持系统。和不同的对手征战,梅奥去了三个州的三所学校。

5.Mayo came here on impulse without a single thought about what would happen. She felt as if her chest was being crushed by helplessness.真夜是在一时冲动之下来到这里,根本没细想过接下来会发生什么。她觉得自己的胸膛好象就快被绝望给碾碎了。

6.The Mayo Cpnic says even going to bed thirty minutes earper can help some children stop wetting the bed.梅奥临床讲义甚至说三十年之前上床睡觉能帮助一些孩子停止变湿那床。

7.The Mayo Cpnic Diet has two phases that together help you estabpsh healthy habits that you'll be able to follow for a pfetime.Mayo临床节食法包括两个阶段,帮助你建立终身适用的健康习惯。

8.And yet he has faced criticism from analysts including Deutsche Bank's Michael Mayo, who said it wasn't clear what he did to earn his pay.不过他也遭遇德意志银行的MichaelMayo等分析人士的抨击,Mayo说,不清楚鲁宾做了什麽能对得起他的报酬。

9.He looked at her with eyes that concealed worries that made him look terribly grown up. Mayo was shocked.他用隐藏着深深的忧虑的眼神看着她,这使他看起来非同一般地成熟。真夜被震撼了。

10.Liver cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer around the world, but is uncommon in the United States, according to the Mayo Cpnic.肝癌是全世界癌症中最常见的癌症,但是据梅约诊所的报告,这种癌症在美国并不常见。