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abbr.(=management by object)目标管理法

网络释义:管理层收购(management buy-out);目标管理(management by objectives);管理者收购(Management Buy-Outs)


abbr.1.(=management by object)目标管理法

abbr.1.(=management by object)

1.管理层收购(management buy-out)对经营者的激励.在当前我国企业产权制度改革中,引入管理层收购(MBO)这种较新型的企业并购方式具有一定的现实意义.本文 …

2.目标管理(management by objectives)目标管理mbo)的概念是50多年以前由peter drucker提出的。目标管理战略被提出的那天开始就一直被大企业的管理人士所 …

3.管理者收购(Management Buy-Outs)在管理者收购MBO)的实际的操作过程中,由于收购标的价值一般都远远超出收购主体的支付能力,在收购中,管理层往往 …

4.目标管理法(Management by Objective)目标管理法MBO)是一种综合性的绩效管理方法。目标管理法由美国著名管理学大师彼得·德鲁克提出。


1.Management Buy-out(MBO), is the management of target(company) through the leveraged financing to complete the buy-out of the company.管理层收购(MBO,ManagementBuy-out)是目标公司的管理层通过杠杆融资完成对目标公司的收购。

2.The MBO approach proves to be very useful in conducing simulation studies for gas condensate reservoirs.目标管理手段已经被证明是能够有效减少模拟凝汽池研究的方法。

3.One of the MBO folding machine is to help you get rid of the economic crisis in one device.MBO的一台折页机是帮您摆脱经济危机的一台设备。

4.For management and its backers, however, an MBO exudes confidence and is a great way of rallying the troops.然而对管理层及其支持者来说,管理层收购(MBO)是一个代表其信心满满并能鼓舞下属的好方法。

5.MBO offers an effective method for state-owned hotels reforms in Penglai city and should be actively explored for the system reforms.管理层收购(MBO)为山东蓬莱国有饭店的体制改革提供了一条的有效途径,应当积极的加以探索,以高质量的国有饭店完成改制。

6.Moreover, MBO seems to generate a greater tunnepng effect than PBO.另外,MBO公司比PBO公司显示出更大的产生隧道效应的可能性。

7.MAVO and MBO have been officially classified in the same category of education known as VMBO or preparatory secondary vocational education.MAVO和MBO在教育类别上具有相同的官方类别即VMBO或者是预备中等职业教育。

8.As one of the approaches for state-owned enterprise reform, MBO is concerned by both practical use and theoretical study.管理层收购作为国有企业改革一种方式,受到实务界的密切关注,也是理论界研究的热点话题。

9.The initial goal of MBO is to found the effective inspiriting system in enterprise and reduce the agent costs between the owner and manager.MBO的基本出发点是解决企业内部激励机制问题,降低企业所有者与经营者之间的委托代理成本。

10.MBO apppes an economic use approach to brand valuation, using valuation methodology similar to that employed by analysts and accountants.MillwardBrownOptimor运用一种“经济用途”方法分析品牌价值,所采用的评估方法与分析师和会计师采用的方法相似。