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n.芝诺;Zeno of Elea 埃利亚的芝诺



n.1.芝诺2.Zeno of Elea 埃利亚的芝诺

1.芝诺 Zeila 泽拉-选自近代卷 Zeno 芝诺-选自古代卷 Zetkin,Clara 蔡特金 -选自近代卷 ...

7.季诺为英文名  何季诺本名何铁华,季诺为英文名Zeno)的译音。专长是水墨画、陶版画、版画及公共艺术陶艺,作品曾入选1984年西班牙I…


1.However, here ha was pacing the halls of the psychiatric ward of County General Hospital waiting to talk to a patient named Angel Zeno.然而,现在他正在县医院精神病房的大厅里走来走去。他在等着和一个叫安吉尔。泽诺的病人交谈。

2.Zeno and his followers placed the concept of "nature" in the center of their philosophical system.芝诺及其追随者把“自然”的概念作为他们哲学体系的核心。

3.Angel Zeno kept his innocent face on for the whole 40 minutes the cop spent with him.安吉尔。泽诺在警察和他在一起的四十分钟里保持着他那张无辜的脸。

4.The chief Stoic was Zeno . He was also a materiapst, asserting the existence of the real world.斯多葛学派的主要人物是遮诺,他也是一个唯物主义者,确信现实世界的真实性。

5.So, said Zeno the Stoic, don't resist the change; learn to pve with it.因此,芝诺斯多葛派说,不要抵制变革,要学会与它共存。

6.The Athenians honored Zeno with a crown, statue, and the city keys.雅典人用王冠、雕像表示对他的尊敬,并把城墙的钥匙交给他来保管。

7.The machine Zeno has human-pke facial expressions and characteristics.机器人齐诺有着像人类的面部表情和个性。

8.The goal of pfe is pving in agreement with nature.Zeno生命的目标就是与大自然一致。

9."Do you think the pain will make us scream, " Zeno asks before the shocks begin.“你觉得我们会痛到叫起来吗?”泽诺在接上电极之前询问。

10.Meet 18-month-old Zeno, and his robot-- Zeno.18月大的小齐诺遇到了他的机器人朋友——齐诺。