




1.麦克法兰 ... [美] 费里德曼( Friedman, M.) [澳] 麦克法莱恩( McFarlane, Bruce) [美] 阿瑟·奥肯( Arthur M. Okun, 1928_1980) ...

4.麦法兰公司 死神 Bleach 麦克法兰品牌 McFarlane 幸运星 Lucky Star ...

7.美系麦克法兰 ... 圣衣神话 Bandai 美系麦克法兰 McFarlane 电影人物系列 Movies ...


1.The squad leader of Halo 3: ODST, Buck comes with an Assault Rifle and features a McFarlane ODST figure first -- a removable helmet.在最后一战3班长的:ODST,巴克配备了一个突击步枪,并配有麦克法兰ODST数字第一-一个可拆卸的头盔。

2.Instead, "their behaviour is overwhelmingly influenced by opportunity, " said graduate student Eryn McFarlane.研究生艾琳·麦克法兰认为,正相反,“他们的行为完全是机遇所左右的。”

3.McFarlane and his team connected with most of Portland's principals and pediatricians.McFarlane和他的小组和大多数波特兰学校校长及儿科医生取得联系。

4.Still, not all the kids McFarlane sees can be helped.但仍然不是所有McFarlane看过的儿童都能获得帮助。

5.Robert C. McFarlane was the national security adviser from 1983 to 1985.罗伯特·C·麦克法兰是1983年至1985年间的美国国家安全事务助理。

6.Helen McFarlane, who manages Mini Med, says its down-to-earth explanations empower people to expect the same from their doctors.海伦麦克法兰,谁管理迷你杂志,说其扎实的解释使人们期待从他们的医生一样。

7.The pcenses keep coming with McFarlane's reputation for superior design, attention to detail and high quapty.麦克法兰的出众设计、注重细节和高质量的美名为他带来源源不断的玩具生产许可证。

8.A social worker on McFarlane's team helped Tyler get into treatment, and he is doing better and holding down a job in food service.在McFarlane小组中有一位社会工作人员帮助Tyler获得精神病治疗后,他有所好转,在饮食业获得了一份工作。