




1.小飞侠 hdy( 坏党员) McFly( 小宝吃中药) jkl( 老鸹) ...

5.英国的 ... 其中 if everyone cried 英国的 McFly 说到年轻岁月 GREEN DAY ...

6.忧郁气质 百度 pkemcfly 9-1 忧郁气质 Mcfly 欺骗童子 ree 8-28 ...

7.大飞 李宓 Mina 大飞 Mcfly 曾钰婷 Mia ...


1.In 2004, the band found out that there was an American band also called McFly.在2004年的时候,他们发现在美国竟然也有一个乐队叫做McFly。

2.Growing up, there wasn't really competition between me and my mates about sex, the only thing we cared about was skateboarding.长大后,关于性这一点我和伙计们(一下都指Mcfly队员)间真的没有什么竞赛之类的了,我们唯一关心的就是滑板。

3.portraying Marty McFly in the final installment of the Back to the Future trilogy, Fox has largely given up acting.在饰演《回到未来》三部曲中的MartyMcFly20年后,福克斯已经基本上放弃了演艺。

4.Why even bother MC Fly, you don't have a chance. You're too much pke your old man.用不着麻烦了MCFly,你没有机会了,你太像你老爸了。

5.McFly's early sound was a mixture of pop and rock.McFly早期风格属于pop和rock混合体。

6.The film tells the story of Marty McFly, a teenager who is accidentally sent back in time from 1985 to 1955.电影讲述了青年马蒂在一次意外中从1985年穿越到1955年的故事。