





3.地心引力波“丽萨”另一个任务是寻找“地心引力波”(Gravitational Waves)。人类还没有知道地心引力的来源,牛顿也不知道,牛顿只懂现象。


1.It may help to think of gravitational waves as the ripples that form when you throw a rock into a pond.把引力波想象成投入池塘中的石头引起的水波可能会帮助理解。

2.One of the best possible sources for gravitational waves would be a merger between compact binary neutron stars.观测引力波的最佳时机之一就是两颗中子星互相吞噬的过程。

3.Nearly 40 years on, researchers around the world are still straining to see gravitational waves, so far without success.直至今日近40年的时间里,全世界的研究者都围绕着发现重力场波动而进行着工作,但时至今日仍然没有进展。

4.In the cores of stars clusters, black hole binaries are sufficiently tightly bound to be significant sources of gravitational waves.在星团的核心部分,双黑洞紧密束缚在一起,成为引力波的重要来源。

5.Cosmic strings would also create incredible gravitational waves, stronger than any other known source.宇宙弦还会产生无与伦比的至强引力波。

6.If the black holes in a binary system merge, then an even stronger pulse of gravitational waves radiates away from the system.如果双黑洞结合在一起,那么更强的引力波脉冲波将从这个双黑洞的二元体系辐射开来。

7.It may also mean the star pairs could be detected by the gravitational waves they would emit at the end of their pves.这还意味着恒星对可能通过引力波来探测,这些引力波是在它们生命结束的时候发出的。

8.Precessing stars do radiate gravitational waves, but they're not the only ones. Any asymmetry about the rotation axis will do.进动的星体确实会辐射引力波,但它们并非唯一的选择。绕旋转轴的任何不对称都会导致引力波的产生。

9.According to the "general relativity" predict "graviton" and "gravitational waves" does not exist.由“广义相对论”所预言的“引力子”和“引力波”不存在。

10.Binary systems that emit gravitational waves can be made of stars , black holes, or a combination of the two .双星系统中的星体可以是恒星、黑洞或两者的组合。