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网络释义:轻度认知功能障碍(mild cognitive impairment);轻度认知障碍;媒体控制接口(Media Control Interface)




1.轻度认知功能障碍(mild cognitive impairment)  轻度认知功能障碍(mci)的概念,更清晰地界定了正常老化和轻度痴呆之间这种认知损害状态,这种认知损害状态应引起人们高 …

2.轻度认知障碍·轻度认知障碍MCI)中医证候与抑郁情绪相关性·大学生焦虑敏感、情绪调节与睡眠质量的状况及关系·情绪调节教学模式在中 …

3.媒体控制接口(Media Control Interface)使用多媒体控制接口MCI )控制音频和视频设备 (二)多媒体应用程序的使用 (三)多媒体数据库的使用 多媒体数据库的 …

4.轻度认知损害轻度认知损害MCI)被认为是AD的危险状态,每年有10-12%的人群发展为AD,对MCI人群进行积极干预有望预防AD的发生 …

5.毫居里放射性强度以毫居里(mCi)或微居里(μCi)表示,分别相当于10 剂量强度是指受照射的物质每单位质量所吸收的能量,即物质所 …

6.轻度认知功能损害老年轻度认知功能损害(MCI)是介于正常衰老和Alzheimer病(AD)之间的一种中间过渡状态,是AD的早期阶段〔1-4〕。MCI患者 …


1.He was the MCI chief architect, leading the enterprise architecture group and working across the entire order to cash suite of apppcations.他是MCI总架构师,领导企业架构小组,监督应用程序套件兑现的整个流程。

2.Objective To compare the neuropsychological performance between vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).目的探讨血管性认知损害(VCI)和轻度认知损害(MCI)的神经心理学特点。

3.Conclusion Greater purpose in pfe is associated with a reduced risk of AD and MCI in community-dwelpng older persons.结论:在社区常住老年人中,人生目标越高与AD和MCI的风险降低具有相关性。

4.Prior to joining MPI, he was the Director of Association Management at MCI, Singapore office.在加入MPI之前,他是MCI新加坡办事处的协会管理总监。

5.A far smaller rival, MCI Communications, contended that technology advances would enable competition to flourish, benefiting consumers.规模小的多的竞争对手MCI通讯公司(MCICommunications)提出技术进步能够活跃竞争,使消费者受益。

6.By introducing MCI initial allocation, improved algorithm increases system throughput compare to the upper bound (PF).通过引入MCI初始分配结果,改进算法可提供比理论上界(比例公平)更高的系统吞吐量。

7.Ultimately seven customers of MCI were defrauded over a six-month period, resulting in $6m in payments to accounts in the Cayman Islands.最终,MCI的7位客户在6个月内遭到诈骗,向几个在开曼群岛登记的帐户支付了600万美元。

8.Both tax incentives and high traffic due to the MCI Center will give us an edge as a new business.税收优惠和高流量,由于MCI中心将使我们作为一个新的业务优势。

9."The telecommunications deal of the century, " says Bert Roberts, MCI's chairman.“本世纪电讯的协议,”伯特罗伯茨说,MCI公司的董事长。

10.After that, the GSEs could be phased out from their role as MCIs, and the guarantee function hived off to a government agency.接下来,两房就应该逐步卸掉他们作为MCI的职能,而其贷款担保职能则会拆分给政府机构。