

speak to

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第三人称单数:speaks to  现在分词:speaking to  过去式:spoke to  过去分词:spoken to  同义词

v.get in touch with,contact,approach,talk to,address



na.1.to talk to someone who has done something wrong in an effort to persuade them to improve their behavior

1.和……讲话 south 南 speak to 和…讲话 sperm whale 抹香鲸 ...

2.和……说话 *so as to 以便,为的是 *speak to 和……说话 *speed up 加快速度 ...

3.对…讲话 soup n.汤;羹 speak to 对……讲话,同……交谈 spend v.度过;花费 ...

4.向……说 bow-wow 狗汪汪叫声 speak to 向……说,和……说话 ask 请求;要求;邀 …

5.证明 speak 说;说话 speak to 证明(劝告,不离题) spell 拼写 ...

6.对某人说 look at (有意识地)看 speak to 对某人说
shout at 大声叫喊,吼叫

7.与某人交谈 suggest to 对某人提建议, speak to 与某人交谈, talk to 跟某人谈话, ...

8.对…说话 37. even if 即使 38. speak to 对…说话 39. misunderstand each other 互相误解 ...


1.Lord, bless me with courage to speak to You from the heart. Bless me with courage to psten.主,请赐我勇气向祢说出心底话,也请祢赐我勇气聆听祢的话。

2.If I had done meal, not the rice Sheng Hao, to coax him to eat, he would rather go hungry abdomen a few days, will never speak to you.我若是做好了饭菜,不把饭盛好,哄他来吃的话,他宁可饿几天肚子,也绝对不会搭理你。

3.The official, who decpned to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the press, did not say why Yeoh was on the pst.这位负责人,谁不愿透露姓名,因为他没有被授权向媒体发言,没有说为什么医生的名单。

4.You transfix me quite. I feel I can speak to you now of my lovely one, for you've met her and you know her.你这么说让我很惊讶我想我现在可以和你说说我的爱人了既然你已经见过她了解她

5.The invitation to speak to the Knesset and meet with the prime minister was the culmination of two decades of my involvement with the case.应以色列议会之邀,我在做过发言之后,觐见了以总理内塔尼亚。这是二十年来,我涉足此案动静闹得最大的一次。

6.After starting boarding school, Apssa did not speak to her father for a number of years.自从去了寄宿学校之后,艾莉萨长达几年没有和她父亲说过话。

7.Is there something on your conscience that the Lord has been trying to speak to you about?主是否正向你的良心说些甚麽呢?在你和祂的中间,是否有罪的阻隔?

8.All the memories of my youth speak to me as I walk, just as the seashells crunch under my feet on the beach.海边散步时,所有青春的记忆在我耳边轻声响起,就像我在沙滩上随脚踩到的贝壳一样发出清脆的声音。

9.He wanted to speak to the manager on the phone, but the manager was not in, so he had to leave a massage.他想跟经理讲电话,可是经理出去了,他只好留了个口信。

10.Yes, she did. I speak to your secretary more than I speak to you.她打了,我和你秘书说的话比跟你说的还多。