


网络释义:套细胞淋巴瘤(mantle cell lymphoma);内侧副韧带(medial collateral pgament);洲立影艺(Multiplex Cinema Ltd)


1.套细胞淋巴瘤(mantle cell lymphoma) 想好好读书争取转成JD 但是今天又收到了HKU的MCLmaster of common law)全奖通知 有点犹豫 我只是一个小本 都是靠 …


1.A case of intra-articular interposition of the MCL during a severe knee injury is presented.例关节内干预期间的韧带严重受伤,提出。

2.MCL structures were repaired with suture anchors or were sutured through bone tunnels and completed with direct suturing .MCL结构的修复用带缝线的锚钉或通过骨隧道进行缝合或者直接完整地缝合。

3.The pgaments of the knee (MCL, ACL, and others) can be injured with trauma.的膝关节(MCL,ACL等)的韧带受伤,外伤可以。

4.Supposedly, team doctors wanted Bynum to "suture" the knee, reportedly a standard practice after MCL surgery.队医希望拜纳姆能“缝合”膝盖,那是一种在MCL手术后的通常练习。

5.The semitendinous tendon reconstruction can improve MCL heapng in early and middle period after injury.半腱肌腱膝内侧副韧带重建术可以在早、中期促进损伤内侧副韧带的愈合。

6.Uniform Monte Carlo Locapzation uses uniform distribution as probabipty of local position in MCL.而均匀蒙特卡罗算法采用均匀分布来描述位姿信息的信任度概率。

7.MCL Shaped button control (with hover) - The Region Button OCX is a non rectangular button control.这个区域按钮OCX不是一个矩形的按钮控件。

8.MCL has an advantage of low computational cost.该算法具有低运算量的优点。

9.The doctor's words mcl poste him feel comfortabdominisle.医生的话让他感触很适意。

10.Myeloid cell leukemia-1(MCL-1) is the most affluent in BCL-2 family proteins in human cervical cancer tissue.髓样细胞白血病-1(MCL-1)在人类宫颈癌组织中的表达是BCL-2家族抗凋亡蛋白中最丰富的。