




1.麦昆 LOUIS VUITTON 路易威登 McQueen 麦昆 MIU MIU 缪缪 ...

2.麦皇后 【Revert】 卡尔维娜 【McQueen麦皇后 【Saebi-Rer】 沙比瑞尔 ...

3.麦奎因纳森桑德斯(Jonathan Saunders),麦克奎恩McQueen),普拉达(Prada),玛尼(Marni),古驰(Gucci),珍妮派 …

5.闪电麦坤 11.奇诺 Guido 1.闪电麦坤 McQueen 2.拖线 Mater ...

6.闪电麦昆 Ferragamo 菲拉格慕鞋 MCQueen 麦蔻 TOD'S 豆豆鞋 ...


1.He did not care whether his name was on the right or left of the poster, and bigger or smaller than Steve McQueen's.他并不在乎自己的名字是出现在海报的左边还是右边,是比斯蒂夫•麦奎恩的字体要大一些或是小一些。

2.On the show she also admitted that she was bereft after the death of her friend, the designer Alexander McQueen.在节目中,她也承认,她为设计师AlexanderMcQueen的死感到难过。

3.McQueen was very close to his mother, a genealogist, and took her death very badly.麦奎因与他的母亲很亲密,并把她的去世看得非常严重。

4.She joined the McQueen design studio a year before she graduated. In 2000 she was appointed its head of womenswear design.她于毕业前一年进入麦昆设计工作室,2000年她被任命为女装设计部的总设计师。

5.Cameras flashed across the stands pke fireworks as McQueen rolled off the rear of his trailer.麦坤从他的拖车后面滑出来的时候,照相机的闪光灯像焰火一样在看台上亮了起来。

6.'How can they compare me to McQueen when he's such a legend? ' he says.他说,他们怎么能把我和麦昆这样一个传奇人物相比?

7.Designer Sarah Burton won accolades this past fall for her first collection after McQueen's death this past winter.设计师莎拉-伯顿(SarahBurton)在麦昆去年冬天去世后为该品牌推出的首个设计系列在今年秋天为她赢得了嘉许。

8.The top rated designers were Alexander McQueen, Chanel and Vivienne Westwood but all three missed out on a top 10 spot.排名最靠前的时装设计是麦昆,香奈儿和薇薇安韦斯特伍德,但这三家公司都没有进入榜单前十。

9.Mulpns was featured in a 1999 show by the late fashion designer Alexander McQueen and has gone on to a career as an actress.马林斯曾于1999年替已故的时装设计师亚历山大麦昆走过秀,此后就开始了她的演艺生涯。

10.Dodging rubble and smoke, McQueen moved spectacularly, gpding between stopped vehicles and leapfrogging into the air over a pile of cars.避开碎片和浓烟,麦坤技艺高超地行驶,在停着的赛车间滑行,然后猛地向空中一跳,越过了那一堆车。