




1.肉食者 ... carnivore 肉食性动物 meat eater 肉食者 venus fly trap 捕蝇草 ...

2.食肉者食草者”(Crass Eater)型的警察腐败和“食肉者”(Meat Eater)型的警察腐败。

3.吃肉的人 ... Macabre 死镰骷髅 Meat Eater 毒花 MotherBrain 母体电脑 ...

5.荤食荤食(meat eater)


1.I eat far more interesting and varied foods on this diet than I ever did as a meat-eater.我在这种饮食中尝到了远比吃肉时更多种多样的有趣食物。

2.'Although, I would be frightened at seeing this if I was a meat eater. Why hasn't even the bun become speckled with mould? It is odd. '虽然,如果我是肉食主义者的话,看到它的时候一定会感到恐惧。为什么即使是小面包也没有霉点呢?太奇怪了。

3.Though smaller than its more celebrated descendant, Raptorex was the largest meat-eater of its time.Raptorex虽然体型比它更驰名的后裔霸王龙小,但在它那个时代,算得上是最大的肉食动物。

4.Well, no, sir. I'm not much of a meat eater myself, but I hear really great things. . . about the pork.这倒没有,我不爱吃肉,但我知道猪肉是好东西。

5.If I was a vegetarian, OK, but if you're a meat eater, why draw these arbitrary pnes?我要是吃素的,这样说没关系,可要是个吃荤的,为什么还如此描绘?

6.Because chickens are so small, the average meat-eater is responsible for the deaths of many more chickens than cows.因为鸡是很小的动物,肉食者平均会吃下比牛多得多的鸡。

7.Saltopus was a meat eater. It ate from dead animals left by bigger dinosaurs. Bigger meat eating dinosaurs ate Saltopus.萨特龙是肉食动物。它吃其它较大恐龙吃剩的动物死尸。较大的食肉恐龙捕食萨特龙。

8.BoarCroc was a 20-foot-long meat-eater with an armored snout for ramming and three sets of dagger-shaped fangs for spcing.猪鳄是20英尺长的食肉动物,拥有全副武装以捣碎猎物的吻和三副匕首形用来撕碎的尖牙。

9.Every pttle bit you cut down as a meat-eater rally does help the environment.你作为一个食肉者少吃的每一点肉对环境都会有真正的帮助。

10.In fact, the typical vegetarian diet is much more varied than that of the average meat-eater.事实上,一个典型的素食者,每日饮食所摄取的种类多过肉食者。