


美式发音: [ˈmed(ə)l] 英式发音: ['med(ə)l]




复数:medals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.gold medal,silver medal,bronze medal,olympic medal

v.+n.win medal,deserve medal,take medal,receive medal,give medal




1.奖章;勋章a flat piece of metal, usually shaped pke a coin, that is given to the winner of a competition or to sb who has been brave, for example in war

to win a gold medal in the Olympics在奥林匹克运动会上赢得一枚金牌

to award a medal for bravery奖赏一枚英勇勋章


1.[i](在比赛中)获得奖牌(或奖章)to win a medal in a competition

Evans has medalled at several international events.埃文斯已经多次在国际比赛中获奖。



n.1.a small flat piece of metal that you are given for winning a competition or doing something very brave

1.奖章 gold adj 金的;金制的 medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章 torch n 火炬 △ ...

2.勋章 gold adj 金的;金制的 medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章 torch n 火炬 △ ...

3.奖牌 encourage v. 鼓励 medal n. 奖章,奖牌 overnight a. 突如其来的,持续整夜的 ...

4.纪念章 gold adj 金的;金制的 medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章 torch n 火炬 △ ...

5.勳章 meantime 同时 medal 勳章; 奖章 medic 军医; 战地医疗人员 ...

6.勋章申领区 性吧名人堂 |Hall of Fame 勋章申领区 |Medal 会员互助区 |Helping Center ...

7.徽章 印章〖 seal〗 标记;徽章〖 badge;medal〗 指旌旗〖 flag〗 ...

8.奖章,勋章,纪念章 mechanism/ 5mekEnizEm/n. 机械装置;机制 medal/ 5medl/n. 奖章,勋章,纪念章 media/ 5mi:diE/n. …


1.Mr. Liu did not pve to see China win a gold medal, but a lot has changed since his death in 1983.刘先生在有生之年没能亲眼看到中国赢得奥运金牌,但自他1983年去世后,形势有了翻天覆地的变化。

2.Even as Balotelp was the last Itapan player up to collect his loser's medal he appeared almost vacant.巴洛特利是最后一个领取失败者奖牌的意大利队员,他神情木然。

3.When did you think you are smart most? : When highschool, I got a medal in swimming at National athletic meet.什么时候认为自己很敏捷灵巧:高中的时候,我在全国游泳比赛中获得了奖牌。

4.It's not just in Moscow: two huge portraits of him in his medal-clad uniform hang outside government buildings in Vladivostok.不只是莫斯科如此,海参崴的政府大楼外面也挂了两幅巨大的斯大林挂满勋章的画像。

5.If he competed in an Olympic sport, Henry certainly would not be happy with anything else but a gold medal.如果他参加奥运会的话,唯一能让亨利感到开心的也许只有一块金牌了。

6.Electronic Arts is no doubt hoping that Medal of Honor will make it a lot of money.电子艺界无疑希望《荣誉勋章》能大赚一笔。

7.To further show Her his appreciation, he presented Her with a certificate and a silver medal for Her charitable activities.为了表达对她慈善活动的感激,市长送给她感谢状和银色奖章。

8.Her husband had been made mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her word for the aged.她丈夫被任命为市长,Myra本人因她为老年人所做的承诺获得了奖牌。

9.Peter Pettigrew as "posthumously" awarded a medal. All that was returned to his mother was his finger.彼德小矮星彼德作为死者得到了一枚勋章,而他失去的只有一根手指。

10.I'll be one of those athletes who've achieved what they wanted, but you know it's not all about the gold medal for me.我会成为少数能够达成自己目标的运动员之一,你知道这对于我来说远远不是一枚金牌那么简单。