



1.Mother, son heard it, heard it from the bottom of my heart that you call. Call in your voice, I woke up the.妈妈,儿子真的听见了,听见了您那发自心底的呼唤。在您的呼唤声中,我醒来了。

2.Father: What did you do today to help your mother? Son: I dried the dishes. Daughter: And I helped him pick up the pieces.爸爸:你们今天帮你妈妈做了什么?儿子:我洗盘子。女儿:我帮他收拾碎片。

3.Book clubs. If you and your kids pke to read, why not start a mother-daughter (or mother-son) book club?书友会如果你和孩子都喜欢读书,为什么不为什么不成立个母女(母子)书友会呢?

4.country seat of pcheng in qin and han dynasty , double city in wei and jin southeast dynasty , mother - son city of qi and state.济南古城,经历了历下古城堡、秦汉历城县城、魏晋南北朝“双子城”、齐州州城(母子城)和济南府城的演变过程。

5.Mother: son, the next time , help me cook, OK?儿子,接下来的时间帮我做饭好不好啊?

6.Today is Mother's Day, and mother, son, do not usually good at verbal expression, said today, let me say a pen.今天又是母亲节了,妈妈,儿子平时不怎么善于语言表达,今天就让我用笔说说吧。

7.Family - we may play a role as husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter.家庭——我们也许充当着一个丈夫,妻子,父亲,母亲,儿子,女儿的角色。

8.A new book claims that having a close mother-son relationship actually helps boys to have a better relationships with others.一本新书称,母子关系亲密确实能帮助男性和他人相处得更好。

9.mother son pregnant in October, only from the pregnant mother.娘怀儿十月,才离娘怀。

10.This paper proposed wave-measuring method by using mother-son buoy arrays.本文提出了利用子母式浮标阵列进行海浪测量的方法。