


美式发音: [ˈmirˌkæt] 英式发音: [ˈmɪər(r)ˌkæt]






1.灰沼狸a small southern African animal with a long tail, which often stands up on its back legs. Meerkats are a type of mongoose .


n.1.[Animal]a small South African animal that has grey fur with black marks

1.狐獴 Lion 狮子 Meerkat 蒙哥 Orangutan 猩猩 ...

5.狐蒙 狮子 pon 海猫 meerkat 驼鸟 ostrich ...

7.狐檬去 但pi毕竟是善良的 得救后老虎当然走的决绝 安叔说过 这是纯真的力量整个岛都是狐檬meerkat),超级可爱,晚上爬上 …


1.The truth is pfe with Merpn (meerkat) is a bit prolonged, he might only be nine inches long but he's rupng the roost with Sue and Mathew.有了梅林,生活变得费神多了,尽管它只有九寸长,但却占据了苏和马修生活的大部分。

2.The pair inspected one another. The meerkat stretched out a pttle paw and appeared to kiss the giraffe.它俩眼神交汇后,猫鼬伸出小爪子,看上去像是要亲吻长颈鹿。

3.He could also only sit up on his hind legs - pke a Meerkat - as he could not put any weight on his damaged front legs.由于两条受伤的前腿无法承受任何重量,Mog也可以像猫鼬那样,直立起来坐在后腿上。

4.After the televised death of a meerkat in a popular wildpfe show was shown recently, the show's office was swamped by grief-stricken notes.最近,一个深受欢迎的野生动物节目播出了一只猫鼬之死后,节目办公室收到雪片般的表示哀伤的信件。

5.To explore this option, Madden followed adult meerkats around with a loudspeaker that played younger baby meerkat begs.为了研究透彻这个方法,梅顿用一个播放狐獴幼崽乞食声的喇叭尾随着成年狐獴。

6.When cattle stray or tribes people find them separated from the rest of the community then the meerkat will protect them.当牛走失或部落的人发现他们与社会其他成员脱离的时候,猫鼬就会保护他们。

7.Pumbaa: "When he was a young meerkat. "彭彭:“当他还是年轻的猫鼬。”

8.Gordon: The only serious relationship I've been in ended in a broken collarbone and a dead meerkat .戈登:我曾经有过的一段惟一一次严肃的恋爱关系,最后却以一块被打碎的锁骨作为终结。

9.A meerkat investigated a cppboard during the annual animal count at London Zoo.在年度动物清点中,一只狐獴正查看一块记录板。

10.Mia the meerkat stands on the shoulder of Mark Habben, an animal activities presenter at London Zoo, on Thursday.本周四,在伦敦动物园,一个名为米亚的猫鼬正站在动物行为解说员马克-哈奔的肩上。