


美式发音: 英式发音: [væl'hælə]





1.瓦尔哈拉殿堂(阵亡将士与奥丁神永久生活的宫殿)a palace in which some chosen men who had died in battle went to pve with the god Odin for ever

n.1.(Odin) 神招待阵亡英灵的殿堂2.烈士纪念堂,忠烈祠

n.1.in Norse mythology, the great hall where the souls of heroes killed in battle spend eternity

1.英灵殿 ... Gate of the Dead( 亡者之门) Valhalla瓦尔哈拉殿堂) The Unnamed Days( 无名 …

7.瓦哈啦 Silver Shadow 银影 Valhalla 瓦哈啦 Odin 欧顶 ...


1.The Vedic heaven, the "world of the fathers, " resembled the Germanic Valhalla and seems also to be an Indo-European inheritance.吠陀的天堂,“父亲们的世界”,类似于德国的瓦尔哈拉殿堂,看上去也是印欧人的遗产。

2.Biologist Wayne McCrory of the Valhalla Wilderness Society calls Gribbell "the mother island of the white bears. "瓦尔哈拉野生动物协会的生物学家韦恩·麦克罗里把科布里岛称作“白灵熊的母岛”。

3.In the halls of valhalla where the brave may pve. . . forever.在英灵殿中,勇士的精神将永远…长存不熄。

4.The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands, To fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming!锤众神将推动我们的船到新的土地,为了争取部落,唱歌,哭道:瓦尔哈拉,我来了!

5.Stricker and Mahan played the first time two years ago at Valhalla.史翠克和马汉两年前在瓦尔哈拉是第一次打莱德杯。

6.In 2001, Gapleo detected that an asteroid had struck the moon, forming the Valhalla impact basin.2001年,伽利略号探测到一颗小行星曾经撞击过卫星,形成了瓦尔哈拉撞击盆地。

7.Valhalla. You must keep to the starboard side of the fairway for 4 cables.你必须保持在航道右侧4链的距离。

8.Valhalla is calpng me to the end瓦尔哈拉呼唤著我前往尽头