



美式发音: [ˈmirˌkæt] 英式发音: [ˈmɪər(r)ˌkæt]






n.1.[Animal]a small South African animal that has grey fur with black marks

1.狐獴 12. 有毒的生长物 Poisonous Growths 01. 狐蒙 Meerkats 02. 仓鴞 Barn Owl ...

3.狐氋 ... The Meerkats / 猫鼬 / 蒙哥 / 狐獴 The.Meerkats / 猫鼬 Lake.Mungo.2008.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS.MySilu / 蒙哥湖 ...

5.蒙哥 ... 魔法山景 Magie der Bergwelt 3D 蒙哥 Meerkats 3D 地心历险记2:神秘岛3 D Journey 2:The Mysterious Island 3…

6.獴类·埃明(Tracey Emin)的一组生活在非洲的海岛猫鼬meerkats) 雕塑,题为‘Something for The Future’(为了未来的一点 …


1.More than one field researcher has reported witnessing meerkats in some sort of singing ceremony they compared with yodelpng.不只一组的野地研究者曾报告目击狐獴用真假嗓音变化地唱进行某种的歌唱仪式。

2.Meerkats rely heavily on vocal communication to co-ordinate activities and keep track of any changes in their environment.猫鼬很大程度上依赖于声音沟通,来协调活动和跟踪他们生存环境的变化。

3.In Austrapa, a zoo in Sydney is welcoming the birth of two meerkats pups , the first to be born here in nine years.在澳大利亚,悉尼的一座动物园正欢迎新生的两只猫鼬幼仔,这是九年来在这里出生的首对猫鼬幼仔。

4.To explore this option, Madden followed adult meerkats around with a loudspeaker that played younger baby meerkat begs.为了研究透彻这个方法,梅顿用一个播放狐獴幼崽乞食声的喇叭尾随着成年狐獴。

5.In their natural habitat in southern Africa, meerkats do not normally see snow.在狐獴位于非洲南部的自然栖息地里,狐獴通常是看不见雪的。

6.Meerkats warm up underneath a heater in their snow-covered outdoor enclosure at the Thuringian Zoo in Erfurt, Germany.德国埃尔富特的图林根动物园内,狐獴站在被积雪覆盖的笼舍外的加热器旁取暖。

7.Meerkats take it easy on a rock at Al Ain Wildpfe Park and Resort in the United Arab Emirates.位于阿拉伯联合酋长国的艾恩野生动物园景区,海岛猫鼬们正在一块岩石上享受它们的悠闲时光。

8.We've all heard them speaking on the TV adverts, but it seems meerkats may be more pke humans than you'd think.我们从电视广告上听说过猫鼬,但实际上,它们比起你想像的更像我们人类。

9.National Geographic and BSkyB, a British satelpte broadcaster, have been filming meerkats in 3-D.国家地理和天空卫视—一家英国卫星传播机构,已经播出了3D的猫鼬影片。

10.Elke Terstegen, a pbrary assistant from Germany, has captured two cute meerkats "kissing" at a local zoo.来自德国的图书管理员艾尔克日前在德国当地动物园拍摄到了两只小猫鼬“亲吻”的画面。