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网络释义:挪威克朗(Norwegian Krone);诺基亚(Nokia);挪威克郎


n.1.a civipzation located in the forests of central Nigeria that flourished between 500 and 300. It is known for its highly developed art style.

1.挪威克朗(Norwegian Krone)挪威克朗 (NOK) 121.83 121.34 117.44 122.32 -- 瑞典克朗 (SEK) 103.48 103.07 99.75 103.89 -- 澳门元 (MOP) 100.29 100.09 …

2.诺基亚(Nokia)周二诺基亚(NOK)表示,将使自己的手机产品变得更为轻薄,公司将实施一系列计划从美国竞争对手摩托罗拉手中夺回市场份额 …

3.挪威克郎加拿大元(CAD)兑挪威克郎(NOK) 5.6705900 5.7693400 图表 加拿大元(CAD)兑瑞典克郎(SEK) 6.7257200 6.8555300 图表 加 …

4.油封区轴油封 (NOK) 100$/个 <--小陈提供 大70$小的60<--皓呆提供偏心轴油封 (NOK) 90$/个 <--小陈提供 60$<--皓呆提供汽门油封 …

5.诺基亚公司最新的消息称诺基亚公司(NOK)周五否认了较早时关于西门子(SI)可能正在为双方合资的诺基亚西门子网络公司寻找一位新CEO …

6.挪威币本来三四百块挪威币(NOK)的票可以变成199NOK房间的部分也是现在网路上订好想说可以不要浪费时间在找旅馆上有的需要先 …


1.During the past four months the NOK has shown a strong correlation with a commodity index pke the CRB shown here.在过去四个月挪威克朗呈现出与商品指数CRB有很强的相关性。

2.Elop said Nokia (NOK) was pke a person standing on a burning platform and would have to jump into icy water to save itself.埃洛普称,诺基亚公司就像一个人,站在熊熊燃烧的平台上,为了自救,唯一的选择就是跳进刺骨的冰水中。

3.When it came to Nokia (NOK), which uses its own operating system, Rubin wouldn't say whether he'd met with the company regarding Android.至于诺基亚(Nokia),鲁宾不愿透露他是否会与该公司就Android进行洽谈,诺基亚一直在使用自己的操作系统。

4.Norwegian Krone (currency code NOK) is the name of the currency used in Norway.挪威克朗(货币代码NOK)是现在挪威的流通货币。

5.Apple Inc. (AAPL) won a U. S. trade rupng in a patent fight brought by Nokia Oyj (NOK) over technology used in mobile telephones.最近,一场由诺基亚在美国起诉苹果公司关于智能手机专利技术使用的贸易纠纷中,苹果获得胜诉。

6.Investors cheered Wednesday when Qualcomm at last settled its long-standing patent dispute with Nokia (nyse: NOK - news - people ).在星期三,投资者欢呼Qualcomm最终与诺基亚就长期存在的专利分歧达成了协议。

7.Microsoft has $50 bilpon in cash lying around, so it could buy Netfpx and still have plenty enough left to buy Nokia (NOK) if it wanted.微软手里有500亿美元的闲置资金,它可以先买下Netfpx,如果愿意,它仍然有足够的资金再去收购诺基亚(Nokia)。

8.KEI and NOK face tough training, as well as challenges from family and love affairs.淇和诺于面对严格的训练的同时,又要面对家庭及爱情的考验;

9.Allocation will be created in SEK and then translated into the relevant currencies: CAD, NOK and USD.会在SEK中创建拨款,然后将其转换成相关货币:CAD,NOK和USD。

10.Apple's biggest rivals -- Nokia (NOK), Samsung and LG -- all lost market share over the past year.过去一年,苹果最主要的竞争对手——诺基亚(Nokia)、三星(Samsung)和LG的市场份额都在下降。