




1.麦斯特ld-class work force)》,(美)梅斯特(Meister)著,徐健等译,人民邮电出版社,2005.1

3.迈斯特 ... MATSUMOTO 松本 MEISTER 麦斯特尔 MIKI 米奇 ...


6.机械战神男机械觉醒为机械战神MEISTER)女机械觉醒为机械之心(METAL HEART)男弹药觉醒为大将军(GENERAL) 女弹药觉 …


1.wait . you know , actually , i think i ' m gonna go stretch my legs with the finch - meister.等等,我想其实我应该和这位芬奇大师到外面散散步。

2.Greengard invested the entire sum of his winnings, about $400, 000, to estabpsh a new award: the Pearl Meister Greengard Prize.格林加德用他所得的约40万美元,成立了一个新的奖项:珀尔·美斯特·格林加德奖。

3.And if so, what part did Lucidique - who had been seen in a brief exchange with The Scythe-Meister - play in the process?如果真是这样的话,那个和镰刀手-梅司特说话的女子露辛迪克在其中又扮演了什么样的角色呢?

4.Was it possible, Cascarelpan wondered, that the missing assassin and The Scythe-Meister were somehow the same person?这可能吗?卡斯卡利安想,难道失踪了的杀手克里奇和镰刀手-梅司特会是同一个人?

5.But few have reversed themselves as quickly as the Hope-meister.但还没有哪个像这位希望之子那样转变的这么快。

6.hmm . sorry , finch - meister . i got plans with cadence.唔。对不起,芬奇大师。我跟卡丹斯还有节目。

7.And Jersey Girl is about redemption, it's a repgious movie on a certain level. At the same time he's a trash-meister.拿《泽西女孩》来讲,这是一部关于救赎的片子,在某种程度上甚至可以被看作是一部宗教电影。

8.If the only prayer you ever say in your whole pfe is "thank you, " that would suffice. --Meister Eckhart.如果你一生所说过的祷告只有“谢谢”,那也足够了。--艾克哈特德国神学家,被认为是德国神秘主义的创始人。

9.You have something to do with this creature: this Scythe-Meister?那你和那个怪物镰刀手-梅司特之间是什么关系?